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02-21-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-21-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 21, 1984 <br />The City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Eder at 7:00 <br />P.m. in the council chambers. Present: Dunn, Fraser, Mazzara, <br />Morgan, City Administrator Klaers, and City Engineer, Bohrer. <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan -To approve the agenda as amended: add to <br />Administrator's Report 7-D; Discussion of the reply from VBWD <br />regarding damage in Sunfish Park. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />2. Minutes <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara <br />To approve the minutes of the 2-7-84 City Council Meeting as amended: <br />Page 2, paragraph 1 should read: ...Dunn stated that he <br />received information that Mr. Marty was not only working the City <br />without a permit, but was also dumping the septic waste within the <br />City..... <br />Page 3, paragraph 7 should read:... To adopt Resolution 84-23 <br />approving the Timmers Development Agreement..... <br />Page 4, paragraph 4 should read:... Mazzara suggested writing <br />the residents, before the project begins, to get their feelings on <br />paying. <br />Page 4, paragraph 13 should include ... and to instruct the <br />City Engineer to prepare a feasibility report ..... <br />Page 5, paragraph 2 should read: ... The staff informed the <br />Council that they would proceed with drafting the following..... <br />Page 5, paragraph 6 should read:...Fraser further suggested <br />that some type of volunteer fire department meeting be held. To <br />invite representatives from local organizations and groups in the City <br />to meet with the Council members and citizens who are interested <br />Page 5, paragraph 7 should read:...Notation was made by other <br />Council members that..... <br />Page 6, paragraph 10 should include:... Many citizens have <br />shown us they are opposed to this. <br />Page 7, paragraph 4 should read: ... Fraser questioned the <br />wisdom of joining this group at this time. The issues are being dealt <br />with by the AMM and MLC of which Lake Elmo are members. At this early <br />point of development of the Minnesota Caucus Group, it is unsure what <br />direction they will go. It could have the tendency to weaken the <br />stand of the AMM. She would like to see this deferred...... <br />
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