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LAKE ELMO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COVNITTEE MINUTES <br />APRIL 17, 1984 <br />The Capital Improvement Committee met at 6:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Council Members Dunn and Morgan; City Administrator <br />Klaers and Maintenance Foreman Wisdorf: <br />Wisdorf reviewed a memo that he had sent out to the Committee. The memo <br />mainly dealt with other options for a used tractor since the used tractor <br />previously endorsed by the conu&ttee, and approved for purchase by the Council, <br />could not be obtained within the budgeted amount (approximately $2,800). <br />After a brief discussion of the memo and options for a used tractor, the <br />following motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved. Motion by Dave <br />Morgan, seconded by Bruce Duren to accept the recommendation of the staff and <br />recommend to the City Council the purchase of the 1964 T035 Massey Ferguson, <br />from Griffith Landscape in Oakdale for approximately $2,800. <br />The committee determined that they would continue to meet as information <br />became available for the possible purchase of a wing attachment to the <br />snow plow. It was noted that this wing is not in the 1984 CIP budget and <br />may have to come from reserves. Additionally, the 1984 GIP budget did list <br />$100,000 for a grader that will not be purchased this year. <br />