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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING April. 3, 1984 PAGE 2 <br />Mr. Castelluccio stated that there was one incident in Lake Elmo (in <br />February of this year) on DeMontreville `1'rall, where Mahtomedi <br />ambulance service responded to a call. <br />Pott stated that some kind of consideration should be made for the lr <br />southwest portion of the City. There is a very long response time r <br />from Stillwater for this area of the City. Pott further stated that <br />he has not yet talked to Woodbury (about handling these calls), but <br />feels that it is something that should be looked at. <br />M/S/P - Mazzara/Dunn - To instruct the City Administrator to draft a <br />letter of support for the Lakeview Memorial Hospital application to <br />operate an ambulance service in the Stillwater area. (Motion carried <br />3-0) <br />Dunn stated his endorsement of this request is not based on the recent - <br />expose on KSTP Television. Where are a lot of unanswered questions <br />resulting from this report. Dunn stated he likes to see competition, <br />and on that basis is in favor of this endorsement of Lakeview <br />Hospital's request. <br />5. Licenses for Lake Elmo Fire Department: <br />A. 3.2 beer license for April 7th Spaghetti Dinner; June <br />15th Street Dance; Huff n' Puff Days - August 9th, 10th and 11th. <br />M/P/S - Mazzara/Dunn - To approve a 3.2 beer license for the fire <br />department for April 7th, June 15th, and August 9th, 10th and, <br />and to waive the fee for each license. (Motion carried 3-0) <br />B. Bingo :License for Huff n' Puff Days. <br />M/S/P - Dunn/Mazzara - To approve a bingo license for the fire <br />department for August 9th, 10th and 11th;`and to waive the fee for <br />this license. (Motion carried 3-0) <br />C. Lions Club of Lake Elmo. <br />Willard Griffin, representing; the Lake Elmo Lions Club, stated that <br />the Club is .looking for projects to be done and would like some <br />suggestions from the City Council. <br />The City Administrator will contact the Parks Commission and Fire <br />Department for suggestions for future Lions Club projects. <br />Mr. Griffin further requested that the City Council go on record as <br />being in favor of reducing the speed limit on Lake Elmo Avenue North <br />(to 30 m.p.h.) <br />Klaers to compile the necessary information for a Resolution <br />petitioning the speed limit be reduced, and return it to the Council <br />table at its next meeting. <br />6. Engineer's Report: <br />A. Crombie Simple Lot Division at 8120 DeMontreville Trail <br />North <br />A <br />