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04-03-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-03-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO C:C'PY COUNCIL MEETING April. 3, -1984 PAGE 3 <br />Pursuant to review, the Planning Commission, City Engineer, and City <br />Staff recommended approval of this application. <br />M/S/P - Mazzara/Dunn - To adopt Resolution 84-29; a Resolution <br />i approving the Single Lot Division for Mr. and Mrs. Crombie at 8120 <br />DeMontreville Trail North contingent- upon receiving $175 cash donation <br />for park purposes; and that if the Crombie 2nd Addition is ever <br />platted, provisions be made for the additional storm water run off <br />created by this lot split. (Motion carried 3-0) <br />B. Johnson Shoreland Permit and Lot Size Variance at Lot 6, <br />Oace Acres. <br />Pursuant to report from City Engineer; that Mr. Johnson has revised <br />his site plan to meet the 1.00' setback from the OIIWM to the structure, <br />and all other concerns have been met which were outlined in City <br />Engineer's letter of February 16, 1984, the City Engineer and City <br />Staff' recommended approval of this request. <br />M/S/P - Dunn/Mazzara - To approve 'the Shoreland Permit and Lot Size <br />Variance for Lee W. Johnson on Lot 6, Oace Acres. (Motion carried 3-0) <br />C. Moen Shoreland Permit and Lot Size Variance at 91.12 Jane <br />Road North. <br />Mr. Moen proposes to construct a garage at the above address. Since <br />the property is within 1,000 feet of Lake Jane, Shoreland Regulations <br />apply. The lot contains 1.43 acres where 1.5 acres are required. <br />Pursuant to report .from City Engineer, that Mr. Moen meets all. of the <br />requirements as outlined in City Engineer's letter of March 23, 1-984, <br />the City Engineer and City Staff recommends approval of this request. <br />M/S/P - Dunn/Mazzara - To approve the Shoreland Permit and Lot Size <br />Variance for Michael Moen at 9112 Jane Road North. (Motion carried <br />3-0) <br />D.1984 MSA Improvements: Presentation of plans and <br />specifications, plus request to order advertisement <br />for bids. <br />The Engineer presented and reviewed the plans and specifications of <br />the proposed -improvement of 45th Street, Julep Avenue, and 4'lth Street <br />from Jane Road North to Keats Avenue. The Mayor mentioned that the <br />Soil Conservation Service will be making a recommendation .regarding <br />drainage across the Myrtle Eder property. The SCS will be sending the <br />Engineer a copy of their recommendations. Basically, the; <br />recommendation involves directing the water across Julep Avenue in <br />only one location, which is basically the low point in Julep Avenue <br />about station 21+50. The other crossings near the intersection of <br />Julep Avenue and 47th Street should be eliminated or should, by <br />ditching, direct the drainage to the main line crossing at station <br />21+50. The SCS plans to construct a grassed waterway at that location <br />and they feel. that is better than having two waterways cross the <br />agricultural property. <br />M/S/P - Mazzara/Dunn - To adopt Resolution 84-26 - A Resolution <br />accepting the Plans and Specifications for the 1984 MSA Improvements, <br />
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