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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 17, 1984 PAGE 3 <br />The Engineer stated that this lot is approximately 3-3/4 acres in size, <br />which includes some ponding easements. There is the required 1 acre of <br />dry land exclusive of these ponding easements. The land can meet the <br />minimum building elevation in the Lake Jane Shoreland area (elevation <br />931); and no variances are required with this Shoreland Permit. If this <br />application is approved, the building permit application and the septic <br />system design would be submitted to the staff for review. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To approve a Shoreland Permit for Kenneth <br />Neudahl at Lot 1, Block 2 in Teal Pass Estates (9260 Jane Ct.N.) for <br />construction of a new house. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Public Hearing for application by Gary Hakkinen for a zoning <br />side yard variance for the construction of a garage at 8080 39th Street <br />North. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:45 <br />p.m. in the City Council chambers. <br />The Engineer asked if the 2 foot side yard setback would be from the <br />walls of the garage or the overhang of the garage. <br />Mr. Hakkinen responded that the setback would be from the garage wall. <br />The Administrator advised the Council that where Mr. Hakkinen proposed <br />to construct his garage is right at the end of the existing driveway;; <br />and on east side of the house there is a dramatic slope from his house <br />going to the rear lot. This would make it very difficult to put the <br />garage on the east side of the house. He further stated that the house <br />that is to the west of this site is on a fairly wide lot and it is quite <br />a distance from the property line in question; and the only concern is <br />what happens about future owners. <br />Mr. Hakkinen presented his letter of explanation for this proposed <br />garage and also a letter from his neighbor, Mr. Donald Johnson which <br />indicated that he has no problems or objections to this variance. Mr. <br />Hakkinen also indicated that if the garage were placed on the east side <br />of his lot, it would either have to be detached or entrance would be <br />through the bedrooms; and this would create a hardship. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. <br />Eder stated it would be in the Hakkinen's best interest to have a survey <br />taken on this piece of property. <br />Mr. Hakkinen stated that his plans call for a 24 x 26 garage, but he <br />could make it 22 x 26, if necessary. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To approve the application by Gary Hakkinen for a <br />zoning side yard variance at 8080 39th Street North contingent upon the <br />applicant having a survey done to determine the exact location of his <br />property line so as to verify that the garage will be constructed no <br />closer than two feet from the western property line. (Motion carried <br />4-0-1 <Mazzara>). <br />