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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 17, 1984 <br />PAGE 2 <br />The Administrator advised the Council that he would check with the City <br />Attorney on the possibility of the City discontinuing the practice of <br />issuing 3.2 beer licenses for private parties. This issue will <br />hopefully be on the August 7, 1984 City Council agenda. <br />5. Engineer's Report <br />A. Public Hearing for application by Northwestern Bell for a zoning <br />lot size and setback variances for construction of an equipment building <br />at 11320 Upper 33rd Street, approximately 400 feet west of Lake Elmo <br />Avenue near the RR tracks. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was called to order at <br />7:15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />Mr. Ray Nelson, Real Estate Consultant representing Northwestern Bell <br />explained that this building is required to meet the growing demand for <br />telephone service in Lake Elmo. The building will contain equipment <br />that will create additional customer lines and make possible serving <br />more customers without laying huge amounts of additional cable back to <br />the main switching center, which is very costly. The building is very <br />small and will contain electronic equipment. The building is unattended; <br />there will be no workmen there on a regular basis. A technician will <br />come in as required to service the equipment, therefore, there will be <br />no traffic or congestion at the site. This location was selected <br />because it is very close to the cable runs; and also because it very <br />close to the center of the area to be served which further adds to the <br />cost saving factor. <br />John Schiltz, 3442 Lake Elmo Avenue North (owner of the Lake Elmo Inn) <br />expressed his concerns over the great deal of vandalism in the area and <br />asked if this building would contribute to this problem. He also asked <br />if the exterior would be upgraded; if the site would be maintained; and <br />where the snow would go. <br />Mr. Nelson responded that the building would be very secure and they do <br />not anticipate any problems. Northwestern Bell would maintain the site <br />and plan on doing some seeding. He does not forsee any problems with <br />snow removal as it is a very small area, and further added that the <br />building will be 12 feet high. <br />Eder would like to see the building as something that would contribute <br />to the upgrade of the neighborhood, and feels the lot should be <br />blacktopped. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:32 P.m. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - To approve the application from Northwestern Bell <br />for zoning lot size and setback variances for construction of an <br />equipment building at 11320 Upper 33rd Street, approximately 400 feet <br />west of Lake Elmo Avenue near the RR tracks contingent upon the building <br />having a brick outside finish and the parking and driveway area covered <br />with bituminous surface. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Shoreland Permit for Kenneth Neudahl at Lot 1, Block 2 in Teal <br />Pass Estates 92 0 Jane Ct. N.) for construction of a new house. <br />