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MEMn <br />June 28. 1984 <br />TO� CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS <br />FROM: PATRICK D^ KLAERS, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Ve <br />SUBJECT: INFORMATIONAL MATERIAL FOR THE JULY 3, 1984 MEETING <br />1" Wish to acknowledge that the Wgjtp tg E[lgEgy MgQi[!g with <br />the property owners in Section 32 has been rescheduled to <br />Wednesday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m" in the City Council <br />Chambers. At the June 19 Council meeting, this meeting was <br />origianlly scheduled for Tuesday, July 10" The City staff <br />has sent notices out to all of the property owners in <br />Section 32 informing them about this informational meeting" <br />2" Attached for your information is the most recent City <br />NoUnlgt eC dated 6-26-84. This Newsletter edition <br />highlights articles on the Waste -to -Energy Project and the <br />high water situation within the City" <br />3" Attached for your information is the Moy, 1984, MgQhl� <br />Rongct Rom the VglL!atlec FAM This report is <br />simply a log of the activities that required a fire <br />department response and the number of individuals on the <br />fire department that responded to each call. I will be <br />discussing monthly reports with the Fire Chief in the future <br />and I will be requesting additional material from him on a <br />monthly basis regarding other fire department activities <br />such as training endeavors, major expdhses or repairs of <br />equipment and recruitment efforts. <br />4. A few months ago a Lions Club member attended a City Council <br />meeting and indicated that the 61gng Clgq would like to do a <br />giMig 0CgiMQ with some funds that they have accumulated" <br />The Lions Club is looking for suggestions from the City for <br />appropriate projects. <br />I have discussed this with staff members and commission <br />members over the last few months. I understand that the <br />Lions Club would desire projects that would be visable to <br />the public so` that it would be easier for the public to <br />recognize their efforts for improvements within the City. <br />The two most mentioned areas thatneed dJmproyeNentane the <br />Fire Department and Lions Park where fencing along the first <br />and third base lines is needed and improvement to the <br />bleachers, either painting and repairing or new bleachers. <br />The Fire Department improvements would relate to the parking <br />area and possibly painting the exterior of the building" <br />