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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7-3-84 PAGE 5 <br />C. Self -reading water meter card proposal <br />The Council reviewed the Administrator's memo of June 27, 1984 in which <br />he discusses the self -reading meter cards. <br />Dunn suggested that the City take a look at the quarterly minimum <br />charge; and also suggested that the City rule out the possibility of <br />the CETA workers doing the annual water meter reading. Klaers stated <br />that he spoke with Marcie Eichens and she has expressed interest in <br />doing the once -a -year reading of the water meters. <br />Fraser stated she is in favor of this proposal; but added that this is <br />another example of cutting down or cutting out a lower paying job. <br />Discussion on who will pay the postage for these cards. Klaers stated <br />that the City would pay the postage, as the cost to send out and have <br />returned would not exceed twenty cents. Fraser feels that the City <br />would get a much better return if postage is included. <br />The penalty rate for late returns will be $5. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara - To approve the City's conversion to <br />self -reading water meter cards in accordance with the recommendation of <br />the City Staff. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Policy regarding "no parking" signs <br />Fraser stated she did not like the idea of using City Staff and time to <br />put burlap bags over parking signs, nor does she like the idea of the <br />City having a part in what she considers to be dodging the law. <br />Consensus of the Council is to not allow the covering of the "no <br />parking" signs in Lake Elmo. <br />E. Announcements <br />1. Train Ride <br />Eder advised the Council that Steam Engine 328 is offering a train ride <br />on July 13, 1984. The train leaves the Amtrack Station in St. Paul at <br />10:05 a.m, and will arrive in Lake Elmo at 11:45 a.m. The train will <br />depart for Stillwater at 1:05 p.m. The tickets for this train ride <br />cost $15 for adults and $7.50 for children from the Amtrack Station to <br />Stillwater; and $7.50 for adults and $3.75 for children from Lake Elmo <br />to Stillwater. <br />2. Informational meeting for all Washington County Parks. <br />The Administrator advised the Council that this meeting will take place <br />in the Washington County Board chambers on July 19, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. <br />Representatives from the Metropolitan Council and the Parks and Open <br />Space Commission will attend this meeting. <br />The purpose of this meeting is to talk about the County Parks and the <br />Regional Parks. <br />