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x' %T <br />APPROVE? <br />LAKE ELMO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM" <br />AUGUST 21, 1984 <br />The Capital Improvement committee meeting was called to order at 6:20 <br />p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present: Eder, Dunn, Administrator <br />Klaers, Maintenance Foreman Wisdorf, Fire Chief Pott. <br />The City Administrator presented the background information for the <br />two requests listed on the agenda. A request for 1985 from the fire <br />department is for replacement of the grass rig; a request was made by <br />the Maintenance Foreman for three items needed in 1984. <br />Fire Chief, Fran Pott, presented further background information for <br />the need of timely replacement of fire department vehicles as many of <br />the fire department's vehicles are approaching twenty years of age. <br />The Fire Chief indicated that reserve funds have been put away the <br />past few years for these purchases and he estimates that only $20,000 <br />(instead of the planned $25,000) would be needed to replace the 1963 <br />grass rig. <br />After a brief discussion by the committee, the following motion was <br />adopted. <br />M/S/P To recommend approval to the City Council of the Fire <br />Departments 1985 CIP request for a grass rig. (Motion carried 2-0). <br />Maintenance Foreman, Dave Wisdorf reviewed his memo that was sent out <br />with the background information for this meeting which describes his <br />need for three items. <br />The two radios for approximately $1800 are needed to complete the <br />communication system in the Maintenance Department when crew members <br />are in different vehicles doing projects throughout the city. <br />The steam washer is desired to assist in keeping the existing <br />equipment clean and rust -free in an effort to improve their life span, <br />and also to improve their efficiency while being used, and to improve <br />the safety factor while the equipment is being used. <br />The wing for the dump truck is requested to improve the efficiency in <br />the snowplowing operation initially, and to use as a backup unit to <br />the grader. <br />After a brief discussion by the committee members, the following <br />motion was approved. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Eder - To recommend to the City Council purchase of (2) <br />radios for the Maintenance Department; (1) steam washer; and (1) wing <br />for the dump truck. (Motion carried 2-0) <br />The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. <br />