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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1984 PAGE 2 <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - To appoint Jim Bjorkman as the Washington <br />County EMS Representative and Dick Sachs as the first alternate to <br />this position. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />7. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Public Hearing for James Beers at 3235 Lake Elmo Avenue for <br />side yard setback. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:30 <br />in the city council chambers. <br />The council reviewed Mr. Beers' proposal to construct a 16' x 22' <br />garage on the north side of his lot, parallel to 32nd Street, and his <br />request for a variance to the side year setback requirement of 25'. <br />The council reviewed the building official's report in which he <br />indicates that due to a private driveway at the back of this lot and <br />the septic area in the back yard, the proposed garage location is the <br />only location a garage would fit on this lot. He further indicated <br />that Mr. Beer's garage is set back deep enough so that the line of <br />vision interference is not a problem. The garage would be placed 4' <br />from his property line and 24' from the existing curb line of 32nd <br />Street. The building official recommended approval of this requested <br />variance because of the hardship on the property for a garage location <br />and the ability to maintain safety for the traffic in the area. <br />There were no objections from surrounding property owners and the <br />public hearing was closed at 7:35 P.m• <br />M/S/P M/S/P Morgan/Fraser - To approve the side yard setback <br />variance for James Beers at 3235 Lake Elmo Avenue for the construction <br />of a detached garage. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Public Hearing for David Alford at 8080 Hill Trail N. <br />for shoreland permit and (4) variances. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was called to order <br />at 7:52 p.m. in the council chambers. <br />Richard Arney, an attorney representing Mr. Alford, asked the City <br />Council to reconsider their denial of Mr. Alford's original <br />application. He feels that the records should be clear as to the <br />existing situation. He feels that the 30' of lakeshore property that <br />this land is on would be totally useless if Mr. Alford was not allowed <br />to rebuild. He further stated that, to his knowledge, none of the <br />abutting neighbors objected to these variance requests. He suggested <br />that the sewer system problems be solved by including this home in the <br />201 Program, and asked that the city work together with Mr. Alford in <br />coming up with a solution so that this property can be used. Mr. <br />Arney stated that this re -application is identical to the original <br />application, but that Mr. Alford is open to any suggestion from the <br />city staff as to what he could do to comply with the city ordinance <br />and asked the council to delay in making their decision until Mr. <br />Alford had conferred with the city staff. <br />