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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1984 PAGE 3 <br />The City Engineer reviewed his comments from his letter dated May 15, <br />1984 in which he states that "The question is the improvements and <br />enlargements being proposed. The house is being moved farther away <br />from the water in line with the neighboring houses which improved the <br />shoreline. The major concern is the adequacy of the sewage treatment <br />and its effect on the health, safety and welfare of the applicant and <br />the neighbors, especially with the zero setback." <br />The Engineer further stated, regarding the 201 Program, that this <br />home, prior to its burning, had not been included in the 201 Program, <br />probably at the owners request. <br />Tom Sweeno, property owner to the north of Mr. Alford's property <br />stated that he is against Mr. Alfords plan. Mr. Arneytalks about <br />compliance and for years Mr. Alford has had numerous junk cars, <br />refridgerators, applicances, etc., on this property which was resolved <br />somewhat last summer. However, since the fire, Mr. Alford has had <br />almost eight months to comply with cleanup (which was required by the <br />city to be done by July 31st, 1984) and there is still quite a ways to <br />go before the cleanup work is done. Mr. Sweeno further stated that if <br />Mr. Alford is permitted to build, and is included in the 201 Program, <br />he too would expect to be included in this program for the home that <br />he plans to build on the adjoining property. The septic system <br />setback on his property line is at a zero setback and he will not <br />allow anything less than what is required by the city code. <br />There were no other comments for or against this proposal and the <br />public hearing was closed at 8:10 p.m. <br />The council review the past minutes and information regarding this <br />application. <br />Eder stated that he did not see where anything has changed from the <br />original application and sees no reason to waiver from the council's <br />original decision. <br />Morgan stated that he always tries to go along with the requests of <br />the residents and to let someone use their land, as long as it did not <br />damage the environment; but in this case the lot size is so much below <br />the average in the neighborhood that he cannot go along with this <br />proposal. <br />Fraser stated that the number and extent of variances that would have <br />to be permitted are beyond what one can justify. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To deny the reapplication from David Alford <br />for a shoreland permit and (4) variances at 8080 Hill Trail North for <br />the construction of a new home as the lot is too small, and none of <br />the factors have changed since the original application. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />C. Public Hearing for simple lot subdivision and road frontage <br />variance at Lake Elmo Avenue and 30th Street for Richard <br />Durand. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 8:25 <br />p.m. in the city council chambers. <br />