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LAKEIELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES•914-84 " " PAGE 12 <br />the court and an Order would follow. It �vod__be� �i�f,,o;tk�e, city <br />s mply,make ar d6tdrmihatidth A 'ihs "own wi Bout a Proceeding <br />Subsequent. The attorney, therefore, stated it would appear to be <br />premature for the city to act on Mr. Durand's proposal until a final <br />determination is made as to the ownership of the strip of land in <br />question. <br />The Administrator further suggested, and the council was in agreement, <br />that it should be the responsibility of the applicant to determine the <br />ownership of this strip of land at the applicant's (Mr. Durand) sole <br />expense. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder - The City Council concurs with the opinion of the <br />legal staff and instructs the City Administrator to advise Mr. Durand <br />of this action. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Resolution 84-50 - Final Plat - Teal Pass 2nd Addition <br />Resolution 84-51 - Jamaca Court Assessments <br />Resolution 84-52 - 1983 - 1984 Sealcoat Assessments <br />