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LAKE .ELMO CITYI'GOUNCIL'"MINUTES 9-4-84 PAGE "1'i <br />The new law provides that County Commissiopers must s 1 ct watershed <br />district managers from a list of nominees 'submitted Toiently or <br />severally", by the municipalities that are wholly or partially in the <br />watershed district. Such a list must be submitted to the County at <br />least sixty days prior to the expiration of the term of office of a <br />manager. If no list is sumbitted, the County Board will then proceed. <br />to appoint a manager through its open appointments process. <br />Dunn asked if any other area residents have expressed an interest in <br />appointment to this board. The Administrator stated that the <br />vacancies have been noted in the City Newsletter, but there have been <br />no inquiries. <br />Eder stated he would not like to see a term go on for too long. i <br />would, however, like to see Mr. Dornfeld continue on thru the 509 <br />Program, but would like to see him relinquish the presidency. <br />Morgan stated he has expressed his concerns that the watershed <br />district has been going on for years and years, and is not very <br />anxious to support either Mr. Murray or Mr. Dornfeld. <br />Dunn concurs with Morgan - does not feel strong towards either Mr. <br />Murray or Mr. Dornfeld. <br />Fraser stated she has been favorably impressed with Mr. Murray. He <br />has often been a useful go-between - taking things the Council has <br />said and bringing them to the VBWD. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Eder - To recommend to Washington County the <br />reappointment of Dick Murray and Allen Dornfeld to the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District. (Motion carried 3-0-2 <Dunn, Morgan>). <br />B. Addition to list of judges for 1984 primary and <br />general elections. <br />The administrator advised the council that one previously approved <br />election judge in Precinct II (Marcie Eichens) is unable to work <br />either the primary or general election and recommended appointment of <br />Phyllis Cram as replacement to this position. He further requested <br />approval of one additional altnernate judge, Donna Herman for Precinct <br />II. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - To appoint Phyllis Cram, 8251 Deer Pond Court, <br />Lake Elmo, as a replacement for the previously appointed election <br />judge, Marcie Eichens, for the 1984 primary and general elections in <br />Precinct II; and to appoint Donna Herman, 7990 Hudson Blvd., as an <br />alternate election judge in Precinct II. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Update on Durrand application. <br />The Administrator reviewed the letter from the City Attorney which <br />indicates that the only way a final determination can be made <br />regarding the ownership of the road is for the property owner to bring <br />a proceeding in District Court, called a Proceeding Subsequent. As a <br />result of bringing of such a proceeding the Washington County Examiner <br />of Titles Office would render an Opinion and make a recommendation to <br />