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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9-4-84 <br />PAGE 3 <br />Mazzara questioned why the building official would recommend approval <br />of this application. The council surmised that the building official <br />offered his comments based on the fact that the driveway was already <br />there. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - To deny a zoning side yard setback variance to <br />James Tobin for the purpose of surfacing his driveway at 4180 Irvin <br />Circle. (Motion carried 4-1 <Mazzara>). <br />B. Final Plat for one (1) lot in Teal Pass Estates plus a <br />shoreland permit for Kenneth Neudahl. <br />The Engineer stated that in addition to his letter of August 27, 1984, <br />he has reviewed the plat and it is in conformance with subdivision <br />ordinance. He has also reviewed the developer's agreement and finds <br />no suggested modification to that. Mr. Neudahl has provided the <br />appropriate escrow amount to cover the road improvements in front of <br />this lot and feels that should be inserted as the dollar amount in the <br />developer's agreement. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - To adopt Resolution 84-50 approving a one lot <br />final plat for Lot 1, Block 1 Teal Pass Estates 2nd Addition <br />contingent upon the applicant entering into a developer's agreement <br />with the City which will include the conditions recommended by the <br />Planning Commission (these conditions are attached as part of these <br />minutes). (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Regarding the shoreland permit, the Engineer stated that no variances <br />are required. He did have one concern regarding the septic system <br />design. The design is adequate but questioned the excavation that may <br />be taking place over the area the drainfield would be placed, and <br />suggested that the excavation be done with a tracked vehicle rather <br />than a rubber tired vehicle to avoid compacting the soil and changing <br />the percolation rate. With no other concerns, the Engineer <br />recommended approval of this shoreland permit. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To approve a shoreland permit for Mr. Neudahl <br />at Lot 1, Block 1 Teal Pass Estates 2nd Addition, contingent upon <br />compliance with the City Engineer's recommendations. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />C. Public Hearing for application by Roy Schmoeckel, 10997 <br />32nd St. N., for a shoreland.permit and zoning code <br />variance for the number of and total square footage of <br />accessory buildings on a lot in the R1 zone. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was called to order <br />at 7:45 p.m. in the council chambers. <br />Mr. Schmoeckel stated that the lot is quite steep and he would like to <br />locate his garage closer to the street so that it is easier to get to, <br />especially in the winter. <br />The Administrator stated that no written report was received from the <br />DNR, but they did call and indicated they had no problems or concerns <br />