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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9-4-84 PAGE 4 <br />with this shoreland permit application. <br />There were no residents present to express an opinion for or against <br />this application. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:52 p.m. <br />The Engineer stated that in this case, a variance may be warranted <br />because the hardship is the terrain. <br />Dunn concurs with the Engineer in that the terrain at this location is <br />a hardship. Anything the City can do to accomodate off-street <br />parking, especially in the winter, would be beneficial to the City. <br />Fraser stated that under the circumstances this is a sensible way to <br />go. This proposal is similar and comparable to what some of the other <br />people in the area have. <br />Dunn stated that from his perspective there are four aging buildings <br />on this property. If we would deny this application we would still <br />have four aging buildings; but if we grant this application we would <br />have three aging buildings and one new one, so the City really cannot <br />lose by granting this request. <br />Morgan feels that the new garage would only improve the property and <br />is not concerned with the setback from the street in this particular <br />area. <br />Mazzara stated he visited the site and has no objections to the <br />proposal. <br />Morgan/Dunn - To approve a shoreland permit and variances (number of <br />accessory buildings in the R1 zone, the total square footage for <br />accessory buildings in the R1 zone, setback and lot size variances) to <br />Roy Schmoeckel at 10997 32nd Street for the purpose of removing an <br />existing garage and replacing it with a larger garage. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />Eder suggested that Mr. Schmoeckel work with the building official and <br />if the setback could be 21 feet rather than 20 feet that it be that <br />way. <br />D. Public Hearing for 1984 Special Assessments for the <br />Jamaca Court Street Improvement Project and the 1983 <br />1984 Sealcoating Program. <br />Pursuant to published notice, the public hearing for the Jamaca Court <br />Street Improvements was open at 8:15 P•m. in the council chambers. <br />The City Engineer reviewed the proceedings leading up to the Jamaca <br />Court improvemnts and also the work that was completed. The <br />construction cost of the project was $14,385• The engineering cost of <br />$2,135 covers the preparation of the plans, specifications, receiving <br />bids and inspecting the work. The City Administration cost of $719, <br />is for the preparation of the assessment role and some of the work <br />