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09-04-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-04-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9-4-84 <br />PAGE 6 <br />Morgan agreed with the concerns expressed by Mr. Bartel and Mr. <br />Friedrich. <br />Fraser understands the concerns expressed by Mr. Bartel and Mr. <br />Friedrich, but keeps in mind that if those two assessments are <br />decreased, the sum of money that must be paid by the other people is <br />going to increase. <br />Eder stated that there is some benefit to the corner lots and also to <br />the parcel with the access to Jamaca Court, but it is difficult to <br />determine benefit when you are assessing on a per unit basis. <br />Dunn stated he does not like the 1-1/3 suggested assessment formula <br />for the corner lots. It does improve the the market value of the <br />home, but what that does is give you the privilege of paying more <br />property taxes and he cannot see where the homeowner benefits by <br />paying more taxes. <br />Mazzara stated there are corner lots in Lake Elmo that are on County <br />roads and they will not be assessed this 1-1/3 lot assessment. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara - To adopt Resolution 84-51 accepting the system <br />for assessments as presented by the City Engineer as the basis for <br />assessments on Jamaca Court. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To amend the previous motion assessing the corner <br />lot that does not have access onto Jamaca Court (Bartel) and the <br />Friedrich lot which accesses onto Jamaca Court but according to the <br />City Code is an unbuildable lot (not enough road frontage) at 25% <br />rather than the proposed 33%. (Motion carried 4-1 <Fraser>). \ <br />M/S/P Eder/Morgan - To amend the previous motion stipulating that if <br />Mr. Friedrich's lot is built on within the next ten years, the full <br />assessment is due. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/ Dunn/ To amend Fraser's motion to include the stipulation that <br />the total assessment on corner lots not exceed the assessment for one <br />lot (so as to eliminate assessments of 1-1/4, 1-1/2, etc). (Motion <br />failed for lack of a second). <br />Mazzara asked the Engineer to explain how assessments are determined <br />on corner lots in other cities. The Engineer responded that in his <br />experience, all of the cities that he is aware of provide some <br />additional charge to the non -fronting side of a corner lot. The usual <br />procedure would be to charge fully either the short side of a corner <br />lot or the side which is determined to be its frontage. There is <br />usually some portion of the second side that is also considered <br />benefiting. The percentage varies for this second charge, but there <br />usually is some additional cost on the corner lots. <br />The final figure for this assessment is 17-1/2 total units. The new <br />rate of assessment is $985.17 per lot. Mr. Bartel's and Mr. <br />Friedrich's assessment will be $246.29 and the two duplex units will <br />be $1970.34 each. <br />
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