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09-04-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-04-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9-4-84 PAGE 5 <br />that the city office must do for this specific project. The total <br />project cost is $17,240. It is proposed that the entire cost be <br />assessed. The method of assessment is called a unit charge method <br />where we are saying there are 18-1/3 assessable or benefiting units on <br />this street. Dividing the total project cost by the number of <br />assessable units brings the cost, per unit, to $940.39. It is also <br />proposed that the term of the assessment (if the property owners do <br />not wish to pay it up without interest) would be spread over a period <br />of four years at 10% interest. There is a period of thirty days from <br />the public hearing in which the assessment can be paid up if the <br />property owner desires, with no interest charge. (This is contingent <br />upon the council acting on this hearing at this meeting). After this <br />thirty day period, it is turned over to the County to be placed on the <br />real estate taxes as a special assessment. <br />The Engineer reviewed the method in which the number of parcels to be <br />assessed was determined. The two duplexes were suggested to be <br />assessed as two units as opposed to the single family homes being <br />assessed as one unit. There is one corner lot which does not front <br />upon nor does the driveway exit upon Jamaca Court. In corner lots <br />such as this, there is usually an adjustment made since it has the <br />potential of receiving two assessments at some time. It is proposed <br />that the side which abuts or the garage enters upon the street, be <br />charged as one unit, but the non -fronting side be charged something <br />less. If and when Jamaca Avenue is every improved, it would be <br />proposed that the lot that fronts upon and its driveway enters upon <br />Jamaca Avenue, that it would then be charged a one unit assessment on <br />whatever that assessment rate would be. The lot that fronts and the <br />driveway enters upon Jamaca Court would receive a 1/3 assessment if <br />and when Jamaca Avenue was ever improved. One other parcel of <br />property which has sixty-six feet of frontage upon Jamaca Court is <br />proposed to be charged a one unit assessment. <br />Jerry Bartel, 3415 Jamaca Avenue North feels that it is unfair to pay <br />for the assessment of Jamaca Court as he gets no use out of this <br />street. <br />The Engineer responded that it is generally felt that there is some <br />benefit to the corners. Just because there is not an access at this <br />time does not mean that a person could not apply for an access. There <br />is the possibility of having an access from either location. It is <br />generally felt that the improvement of the street increases the value <br />of the property. <br />Mr. Friedrich, owner of the sixty -foot access to Jamaca Court <br />questioned why there was only 1/2 inch of blacktop in spots. The <br />Engineer stated that there is a one year guarantee on the work, and he <br />will inspect the work. Mr. Friedrich further stated that he never <br />uses the driveway which accesses his farm. <br />Mr. Friedrich also stated that he does not use the access onto Jamaca <br />Court and does not feel that he should pay the assessment. <br />The public hearing on the Jamaca Court Street Improvements was closed <br />at 8:30 p.m. <br />
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