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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9-4-84 <br />PAGE 8 <br />assured that he would be charged for only one parcel for this <br />assessment. <br />Mr. Solseth questioned how many parcels he would be assessed for. He <br />feels his lots are unbuildable as they do not meet the 60% rule. The <br />staff will review this concern and Mr. Solseth will be charged <br />accordingly. <br />The public hearing for the 1983 and 1984 Sealcoating Program was <br />closed at 9:20 p.m. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara - To adopt Resolution 84-52 accepting the <br />proposal as presented by the City Engineer and order the assessments <br />for the 1983 - 1984 Sealcoating Program; and to delete the residents <br />on Jane Road North that were inadvertently placed on this assessment <br />roster. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. 201 Program <br />Draft Plan of Operation <br />The Engineer presented a Preliminary Plan of Operation and draft <br />Wastewater Service Charge Ordinance. These documents are required to <br />be submitted to the MPCA with the Plans and Specifications. They are <br />not formally adopted until after MPCA review and approval. <br />The Plan of Operation is required to assure the grant agencies that <br />the grant funded improvements will be operated and maintained <br />properly. The Preliminary Plan of Operation for Lake Elmo is based <br />upon the Plan of Operation Guidelines issued by MPCA in February, <br />1984, and should, therefore, meet MPCA requirements. According to the <br />MPCA Guidelines, three copies of the Preliminary Plan of Operation <br />should be submitted with the plans and specifications in a Step 2 and <br />3 grant project. <br />The final Plan of Operation must be submitted and approved before the <br />Step 3 grant payments exceed 50 percent of the total. It must include <br />specific dates where the preliminary version cites "percent of <br />construction" when various activities take place. The work required <br />to implement the Plan of Operation is grenerally grant funded. <br />2. Draft User Charge Ordinance <br />A Wastewater Service Charge Ordinance is required to assure the grant <br />agencies that sufficient funds will be collected to operate, maintain, <br />and administer the grant funded improvements. Two types of <br />maintenance and fee procedures are discussed. <br />"Passive" maintenance is required for individual on -site treatment <br />systems. The charge would only be for administrating the "reporting <br />card" system as had been discussed previously by the Council. <br />"Active" maintenance is required for any individual of any individual <br />or joint off -site treatment system. In this case, the City performs <br />the maintenance of those treatment units not on an individual's own <br />