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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9•-4-84- t: -- PAGE 9 <br />property. The charge would be higher and include operation, <br />maintenance, administration,and replacement costs. <br />Plan and Specification approval by the City Council is not required <br />prior to submitting them to the MPCA. However, the Engineer feels it <br />is important to thoroughly review the plans with the Council. He <br />suggested that sufficient time be set aside at a future Council <br />meeting so that this review with the Engineer can be made. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To apprAthW PYreliminary' Plan of Operation <br />and., the DraftUserCharge Ordinance, as presented by the City Eq ineer. <br />`jMd lbn dear iei 5r 0 ) � S : <br />3. Other <br />The next Open House will be held for residents of the Old Village area <br />whose systems will be upgraded on -site on Wednesday, September 5, in <br />the Council Chambers between 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. The only <br />remaining group to meet will be those residents who will be served by <br />off -site systems. That open house has not yet been scheduled. <br />F. Partial Payment #2 to Forest.Lake Contracting for 1984 <br />Street Improvements. <br />The Engineer reviewed the work that has been done on the 1984 Street <br />Improvements. The landscaping has not yet been completed, but all of <br />the bituminous surfacing and other work has been completed and <br />recommended payment #2 in the amount of $63,762.77 to Forest Lake <br />Contracting. He further stated that there remains about $10,800 left <br />on the contract, and that work will all be completed in September and <br />estimates that a recommendation for final payment would be made in <br />October. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To approve partial payment #2 in the amount of <br />$63,762.77 to Forest Lake Contracting for satisfactory work completed <br />in the 1984 Street Improvement Project. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. .Other ,. <br />��;� o.� J1.: _ �_� v._ orY:; <br />1. 509 Update - City Administrator <br />The Administrator stated that the plans are for the 509 Plan to <br />proceed as originally presented. They are going to try to install it <br />in stages and hope that the first stage may be all that is needed. <br />The first stage would involve obtaining relief for the Lake Jane area <br />by pumping wanter into Park Pond and moving it to or around Sunfish to <br />Lake Elmo. They are going to attempt to challenge the NOHW of Lake <br />Jane which has been at 924 feet as many people feel that that is too <br />high - that the flood level should be a little lower. He further <br />stated that Mr. Moosebruger presented alternates to the 509 Plan <br />indicating how this project can move forward in stages instead of <br />doing the entire three to four million dollar project at one time. <br />The 509 Committee and the VBWD concurred that we keep looking at the <br />total problem, and this program be implemented in stages. <br />