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10-02-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-02-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 11 <br />excessively: One of the big projects that the AMM always deals with <br />is the Met Council. She proceeded to quote from a recent Met Council <br />report that stated..."AMM was once again the only inputer at the <br />budget hearing. The Council will be adopting its budget and <br />certifying its tax levy on Thursday. The Council's budget committee <br />is recommending a small reduction in the tax levy... Also, the <br />legislative auditor is in the process of examining the Met Council <br />budget and the auditor's staff person who was present at the budget <br />hearing was so impressed with the AMM testimony that she has requested. <br />a meeting to explore the AMM recommendations and concerns and more <br />detail...." Fraser further stated that it may well be that our dues <br />to the AMM will be returned to the people in less of a tax. <br />B. Christmas Party - Fraser <br />Fraser stated that if the City desires to have a Christmas Party along <br />the lines of what has been done in the past few years, we should begin <br />preparations for this party. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - To authorize the planning of a Christmas Party <br />along the lines of last years party. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The administrator stated that speaking from the staff's perspective, <br />we are not a big fan of these Christmas parties. It is a lot of work <br />and a lot of staff time and wondered if the Council is giving this <br />party for volunteers or is the staff giving this party for the Council <br />for their volunteers. If the Council wants to have a Christmas party, <br />we have no objections. <br />7. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Public Hearing on proposed City liquor ordinance change to <br />conform to State Law allowing sale of liquor before the <br />polls close in State-wide elections. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 10:00 <br />p.m. in the council chambers. <br />The Administrator stated that we are proposing to bring our City <br />liquor ordinance to conformance to the State Law. The State <br />Legislature adopted a change that permitted the sale of liquor on <br />national and state election days, and the staff is recommending that <br />this law be in effect for local elections. <br />John Schiltz, owner of the Lake Elmo Inn was present and stated that <br />this last election only Lake Elmo and Oak Park Heights were the only <br />municipalities in the Metropolitan area that were not open for the <br />sale of liquor. <br />Dennis LaCroix, owner of the Twin Point Tavern stated that the night <br />before the election the Oak Park Heights City Council had an emergency <br />meeting to consider this ordinance change. They are there to make <br />sure that the local businesses have the opportunity to make a go of <br />it. <br />Mazzara stated that this subject has not previously been brought to <br />the Council's attention. Now that it has, we are taking appropriate <br />
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