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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 10 <br />There were no residents present to speak for or against this proposal, <br />and the public hearing was closed at 9:55 p.m. <br />The Council reviewed the report from the City Engineer dated September <br />27, 1984. The report addresses: (1) Lot Size - The lot size is 1.0 <br />acres where 2.0 acres is required for a natural environment lake. (2) <br />House Elevation - The basement floor elevation is proposed to be 895 <br />(1' above 100 year flood) where 897 (3' above 100 year flood) is <br />required. (3) House Setback from Water - The house exceeds the 200' <br />setback requirement. (4) Septic System Elevation - The applicant <br />requests that elevation 894 be allowed where 897 (3' above 100 year <br />flood) is required. (5) Well Location - The well location meets all <br />setback requirements but is proposed to be located 30 feet from the <br />east property line. (6) Septic System Design - No soil boring or <br />percolation tests have been performed, therefore he could not evaluate <br />any proposed system. <br />He further stated that the variances for lot size and building <br />elevation are reasonable and consistent with past Council action with <br />other lots in Eden Park 2nd Addition. He is, however, reluctant to <br />recommend any minimum drainfield elevation until proper soil tests are <br />conducted. He also recommended that the well be placed 40 feet from <br />the east property line so as not to impact any septic system placement <br />on undeveloped Lot 9• He further stated that it would be appropriate <br />to grant variance for lot size and building elevation but condi'Yon the <br />variance for drainfield elevation upon satisfactory compliance with <br />the Septic System Ordinance. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder To grant shoreland permit and variance for lot <br />size and building elevation but condition the variance for drainfield <br />elevation upon satisfactory compliance with the Septic System <br />Ordinance for Steve Howell at Lot 8, Block 1 Eden Park 2nd Addition. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />K. Other <br />The Engineer stated regarding the right -of -entry and waiver of <br />trespass that was obtained from Myrtle Eder and the Berschen's for <br />constructing the MSA improvements, that one of the conditions that was <br />requested of Mrs. Eder and the Berschen's and tacked on to the <br />right -of -entry agreement by the City Attorney was that the City vacate <br />the unused portions of the road, prior to or by October 1, 1984. He <br />contacted the attorney to find out what significance that date held <br />because if that were very important, the Council would have to take <br />action at this meeting. The Attorney did not get back to the <br />Engineer, so he was simply making the Council aware of this deadline. <br />The Engineer felt January 1, 1985 would be an appropriate date and has <br />every intention in doing this by January 1, 1985. <br />6. City Council Reports <br />A. Association of Metropolitan Municipalities - Fraser <br />Fraser stated that each year the City looks at the feasibility of <br />joining the AMM. She feels that most people in city government in the <br />metropolitan area have concerns that the Met Council tends to spend <br />A <br />