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10-02-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-02-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 13 <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - To eliminate the 3.2 beer license requirement <br />from the CUP for Green Acres Recreational Center. (Motion carried 3-1 <br /><Fraser.>). <br />C. Planning Commission's request regarding traffic conditions <br />on Highway #5 and CSAH 17 (near the school). <br />Eder stated that the City has passed resolutions in the past regarding <br />this. He suggested that we get the County Engineer and our Engineer to <br />look at it from the standpoint of should we start doing something <br />again in terms of looking at stop lights or speed zoning. <br />Fraser stated she agrees it is a mess; but we have tried and tried to <br />have something done - to no avail. <br />Bruce Folz suggested something else for the Council to look at. He <br />recently submitted a preliminary plat for Brookman's commercial area <br />which has a street going thru on the plan from Lake Elmo all the way <br />to Highway 212. The idea behind that was to open this up. This is <br />the only expansion area for the City of Lake Elmo for the downtown <br />commercial area to handle. It would also alleviate the traffic from <br />the intersection by the school. The City has from 1/2 to 3/4 of a <br />mile of State Aid alloted street that has not been designated. <br />Someplace down the road in the long range future planning it would be <br />very desirabe for the City to have this State Aid street. Start to <br />accumulate highway need funds based on a municipal street. It is not <br />doing the City any good being undesignated. <br />Eder asked Mr. Folz if he thought it would be worthwhile to ask the <br />County and State to look at the problem again. Mr. Folz stated that <br />if the City can prove that there is a need, you could get stop lights, <br />but does not think that based on what a real problem is, that the City <br />has a problem at these intersecions. <br />D. Cottage Grove Ravine Watersheds: <br />1. Joint Powers Agreement <br />2. Designating City Representatives <br />The Administrator stated that the Council has already reviewed the <br />final draft plan and passed a motion to approve this draft plan. What <br />is before the Council now is the final copy of the agreement which <br />requires signatures. <br />M/S/P Eder/Dunn - To adopt the Cottage Grove Ravine Watershed Joint <br />Powers Agreement as presented and authorizing the Mayor and City <br />Administrator to sign the Joint Powers Agreement. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Fraser - To designate the Lake Elmo City Administrator as <br />the representative on the Cottage Grove Ravine Joint Powers Board for <br />( the City of Lake Elmo; and to designate Tom Armstrong as the alternate <br />representative on this Joint Powers Board. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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