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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 14 <br />E. Request for funds from St. Croix Valley Youth Service Bureau. <br />The Council reviewed the correspondence from this organization in <br />which they request that the City of Lake Elmo participate in <br />supporting this groups efforts. Their request from Lake Elmo is a <br />contribution of $7422.00. <br />Fraser stated that being educated and experienced in social work, she <br />speaks from that point of view as well as that of a Council member and <br />feels it is not the responsibility of local small government units to <br />support this service. It is not feasible.for a City like Lake Elmo to <br />monitor the use of the money so that we can say that we are certain it <br />is well used. This organization advertises free service which she <br />believesto be unwise. They could go with the sliding scale, but chose <br />not to do that. If the City wishes to spend money for this sort of <br />purpose, she feels it woud be desirable to take a look at a number of <br />agencies, rather than designate this particular one just because that <br />is where the request comes from. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - To deny the request from the St. Croix Valley <br />Youth Service Bureau for a contribution from the City of Lake Elmo. <br />(Motion carried 3-0-1 <Mazzara>). <br />F. Consideration of placement of barricades at: <br />1. 15th Street <br />2. 10th Street Lane <br />The Council reviewed the proposal from the Maintenance Foreman to <br />relocate the "dead end" on 15th Street by creating a new turnaround <br />and barricade on 15th Street approximately 100 to 150 feet east of <br />8996 15th Street North; and barricading off a section of loth Street <br />Lane approximately 100 to 150 feet east of 9560 loth Street Lane in an <br />effort to eliminate the dumping of debris and refuse in these <br />locations. The Council also reviewed a letter of support for this <br />proposal from Washington County Parks Director, Jack Perkovich. <br />Eder stated he is in favor of this proposal as long as there is an <br />area where you can make a turn around by the farm driveway. <br />M/S/P Eder/Mazzara - To accept the recommendations of the Maintenance <br />Foreman which are to adjust the existing barricade on 15th Street, <br />approximately 125' to the west; and to place barricades on the portion <br />of 10th Street Lane that is generally not used by the citizens of the <br />community, however noting that these are public streets but their <br />current use warrants these barricades, to help eliminate the random <br />dumping of debris and refuse. (Motion carried 4-•0). <br />Eder directed the Administrator to request the Washington County Parks <br />Director to put a sign on 15th indicating the directions to the <br />Regional Park entrance. <br />G. ICMA Retirement Trust Resolution <br />The Administrator distributed information from the ICMA Retirement <br />Corporation regarding the development of a Trust Fund Board. This <br />