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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 15 <br />is a new proposal to establish a Board of participating members to <br />oversee the investments of the Retirement Corporation. ICMA is asking <br />for participating members to adopt a Resolution indicating their <br />( support for this Board. <br />The Administrator further advised the Council that they are eligible <br />to participate in this program, and will provide more information to <br />the Council regarding this at a future meeting. <br />M/S/P Eder/Mazzara - To adopt Resolution 84-56 indicating the support <br />of the Lake Elmo City Council for the development of a ICMA Retirement <br />Trust Board. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />H. Other <br />The administrator asked to clarify the situation about the minutes. <br />The Council asked that their minutes not be sent out until they were <br />approved, and the staff felt that would be appropriate for the <br />Planning and Parks Commission too. It is a time problem and the <br />alternative is to delay these applications by a couple of weeks. <br />Fraser stated that in the past they have been distributed timely. <br />Maybe they will have to come after the whole packet, and they should <br />not be distributed broadly, but a copy of the draft minutes could come <br />out to the Council and to the Commissions and if there were something <br />drastically wrong, it is likely the Commission member would bring it <br />to the attention of the staff. <br />Fraser asked if we needed an additional non -staff person to take the <br />minutes as this has been done in the past. <br />The Administrator stated that was a good idea and thought we could <br />find an individual to take the minutes and get them out within 48 <br />hours. <br />There was a brief discussion on what is going to happen along the I-94 <br />corridor. The Administrator stated he was unsure of what information <br />the Council needs from the developer on the 1-94 project. <br />Dunn stated that first of all who are they and what are they going to <br />do? They should present themselves as credible people. <br />Fraser stated it is their responsibility to convince us. If they <br />don't know how to do this, it's their problem. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - To adjourn the meeting <br />the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.). <br />R84-55 - Tax forfeited land <br />R84-56 - ICMA Retirement Trust Board <br />(Motion carried 4-0 and <br />Ordinance 7962 - Liquor Ordinance Amendment for election days <br />