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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 4 <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:50 <br />p.m. in the council chambers. <br />Mr. Durand was present at this meeting and explained his proposal to <br />construct an accessory structure on the 7.34 acres that he owns and on <br />which he resides. He feels that appearance wise, it would be <br />advantageous to the City if he could store his equipment and working <br />material inside of a building, rather than having it sit outside, and <br />he will need a 1200 square foot building to hold all of this <br />equipment. Also, this building would replace the existing 12' x 12' <br />accessory structure. <br />There were no residents present at this public hearing to speak for or <br />against Mr. Durand's proposal, and the public hearing was closed at <br />8:00 p.m. <br />Eder asked Mr. Durand what the hardship is which would justify the <br />Council granting this variance. <br />Mr. Durand stated that he does have a commercial strip of property. <br />The proposed structure is the minimum square footage that he can use <br />for his business. His business equipment (scaffolding, planks, <br />tractor, trailers, etc) is now stored outside and would be put inside <br />to clean-up the area. <br />Fraser stated that she did not understand the hardship of the land <br />that would justify this variance. In order to grant a variance, there <br />has to be a hardship that has to do with the land. <br />Dunn stated that considering the fact that we have bad winters in <br />Minnesota, and since we have already granted Mr. Durand commercial use <br />of the land, he does not feel the request is out of line. What is out <br />of line is the City's ordinance with a maximum of 1000 square feet for <br />a storage shed. This is something we may want to look at in the <br />future. <br />The Engineer pointed out that the size of the property is unusually <br />large in a residential zone, and suggested that if the Council is <br />looking for some kind of a hardship, the size of the parcel of land <br />may be taken into consideration. <br />Mazzara stated he has always questioned the 1000 square foot maximum, <br />although there has to be some kind of reasonable restriction on what <br />you do in a residential area. <br />Fraser stated the hardship has not been justified.. The adjoining <br />commercial operation and some storage from that operation tends to <br />decrease the justification. In terms of consistancy with other <br />rulings the Council has made on similar requests, she would not vote <br />in favor of this request. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - To approve the variance requested by Donald <br />Durand at 2901 Lake Elmo Avenue to allow a 1200 square foot accessory <br />structure, the hardship being Mr. Durand owns an unusually large <br />parcel of land in a residential zone, and the City has allowed a <br />commercial business operation adjacent to this land. (Motion carried <br />3-1 <Fraser>) <br />