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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 5 <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - To approve a shoreland permit for Donald Durand <br />at 2901 Lake Elmo Avenue for the construction of a 1200 square foot <br />accessory structure. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />It was the consensus of the Council that the Planning Commission look <br />at the changes that have been made at the County level regarding the <br />size of accessory structures, and look at whether these changes would <br />be beneficial to the City of Lake Elmo. <br />D. Application by 3M Tartan Park for a Shoreland Permit for <br />reconstruction of the golf course and drainage improvements. <br />Mr. Ed Bruno, representing Tartan Park, was present and reviewed the <br />plans to reconstruct the golf course and to make drainage <br />improvements. <br />The Engineer stated that this reconstruction consists of constructing <br />the golf course expansion south of the clubhouse and west of Horseshoe <br />Lake. The existing outlet stream from Lake Elmo to Horseshoe Lake <br />runs through this area. For years, 3M has been pumping excess water <br />from this outlet stream to other ponds in the park to help alleviate <br />this problem. <br />Specifically the work involves filling in of the outlet stream between <br />Elmo and Horseshoe Lakes to construct the golf course and replacing it <br />with two 36" pipes. The lower storm sewer pipe will handle normal <br />flows out of Lake Elmo and is sized and installed to be able to become <br />part of the "main stem" pipe. The upper culvert pipe will act as an <br />overflow pipe and will handle, in combination with thq lower pipe, the <br />present 100 year discharge out of Lake Elmo of 70 cfs. <br />The existing temporary pump will be made more permanent and installed <br />in a pump house. 3M will use the pump to maintain a c6sutant level in <br />their golf course ponds and pump into their irrigation system. No <br />discharge from these golf course ponds will be allowed until Horseshoe <br />Lake has an approved outlet. <br />The Engineer further stated that he has reviewed the plans in general <br />and has no recommended modifications. He did not recompute the pipe <br />flows and runoff volumes because that was performed by the VBWD <br />Engineer and found to meet their requirements. 3M has provided for <br />the maintenance of the pipes by providing manhole access with steps. <br />3M has been working on this plan for over one year and seems to be <br />well thought out. 3M has met with all of the requirements of the VBWD <br />and the DNR and recommended approval of this shoreland permit. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - To approve a shoreland permit application by 3M <br />Tartan Park for the recostruction of the golf course and drainage <br />improvements. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />E. Resolution for the City to obtain tax forfeited property <br />from Washingon County. <br />The Mayor clarified where this land is located. One parcel is in the <br />Lanes DeMontreville area and the other is a section of street <br />right-of-way near lst and Immanual, west of Guardian Angels Church. <br />