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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 PAGE 7 <br />Fraser stated that this option fits with what the Hanson's are <br />requesting. The Council could grant a CUP that would allow the <br />construction of a building. She further stated that she would prefer <br />to pursue that possibility, rather than the rezoning which would mean <br />the animals would have to go and the residence would have to go. She <br />would be reluctant to say yes to the proposal before her because she <br />does not think it is desirable and she does not think that it is <br />really what the Hanson's want. <br />Eder stated that if there is commercial development in the area, as is <br />proposed, the developments should compliment each other. We want high <br />quality developent in the area or it will not attract others, and we <br />would only be getting a marginal tax base out of these changes in use. <br />Mrs. Hanson asked the Council to defer decision on this application <br />until she and Mr. Hanson had the opportunity to review the memo from <br />the City Planner. <br />H. Rezoning application to Industrail from Rural Residential by <br />Gene Peltier for 13 acres of land along I-94 near County Road <br />17 (next to CUP 14, Rockin "L" Trailer Sales). <br />Mr. Peltier was present along with the proposed developers, Mr. Kelley <br />and Mr. Turcotte. The proposed building would be a quality concrete <br />structure. It would house 5000 square feet of office space and 7000 <br />square feet of warehouse. It would have a one sided configuration for <br />dock doors, access from one side of the building only, it would be <br />located on the property in such a way that in the future additional <br />dock room could be added. The proposed building would be textured <br />block or pre-fab spancrete panels. <br />Mr. Kelley asked about the setback requirements. He stated that if <br />the rezoning was not granted to the Hanson's the City would be <br />restricting the use of the land they propose to purchase and develop <br />because of the required setbacks. <br />Dunn asked Mr. Kelley how many acres he was planning to use and how <br />many he was planning to sell off. <br />Mr. Kelley stated they are not proposing to sell any of the 13 acres <br />that he will purchase. They will initially be using approximately 8 <br />acres, and are buying the additional 5 acres for future expansion of <br />their own operation. <br />Dunn stated the rezoning policy of Lake Elmo has been to rezone when <br />there is a specific user. <br />The Engineer stated the southern part of the "L" shaped piece of <br />property (the part that fronts upon the frontage road) is 288 feet. <br />If the land to the west is RR, then the 100 foot buffer strip is <br />required along the west side, so it cuts down the useable space to 188 <br />feet. The normal setback would be applied to the east side of the <br />property. <br />The Administrator stated that there are additional steps in this <br />process besides the rezoning. There will also be the large lot <br />subdivision. Also, if the position of the building on the lot is on <br />