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10-02-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-02-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 <br />PAGE 6 <br />The Engineer advised the Council that the parcel near lst and Immanual <br />is the extension of Immanual, just east of Ideal Avenue. The public <br />has been using it as a dirt road although it never has been <br />right-of-way. This is a good opportunity for the City to pickup this <br />parcel in case we ever want to open it up as a right-of-way. The <br />other parcel in Lanes DeMonteville Country Club Addition (actually <br />three twenty foot lots) is adjacent to a piece of property that the <br />City already owns. This area is one that has been considered for an <br />off -site drainfield in the 201 Program. It fits in with -the City's <br />plans and this is a good opportunity to pickup this land. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - To adopt Resolution 84-55 authorizing the City <br />Staff to fill out the required forms and submit them to Washington <br />County in an effort to obtain two parcels of tax forfeited land. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />F. 201 Program - General Update <br />The Engineer informed the Council that he held a meeting on September <br />26th for the residents that will be served by off -site drainfield <br />systems. Of the 27 people that were invited, 9 came. <br />Fraser asked if the invitation included the property owners where the <br />proposed off -site drainfields would be located. <br />The Engineer responded that they would be written a separate letter as <br />he felt there might be conflict if there were residents there in favor <br />the proposal and the owners of the property who may not be in favor of <br />the proposal. <br />G. Rezoning application to General Business from Agriculture by <br />Leonard Hanson for Rockin "L" Trailer Sales (CUP-14) along <br />I-94 near County Road 17. <br />Mrs. Louann Hanson was present and explained to the Council why they <br />are requesting this rezoning. Their intention is to expand their <br />business to include a Ford tractor dealership, which would include a <br />new building approximately 40 x 60, with the possibility of an <br />expansion in the future for a showroom. The present use of the land <br />would continue and they would continue to live on the site. The <br />llamas would remain as she sells the wool from these animals. <br />Fraser asked if there were minutes or notes from the Planning <br />Commission regarding the public hearing they held on this application. <br />She felt that the Council should review this material in order to <br />properly consider this application. (The minutes were not available). <br />The Council reviewed the memo from the City Planner in which he lists <br />three options that the Hanson's have regarding their proposal. The <br />second option stated that "If the objective is to allow the current <br />business operations to expand into tractor sales, a conditional use <br />permit may be sought under the current zoning district. This would <br />allow existing residential and agricultural uses to continue as <br />permitted uses, while allowing the development of an "ag-related" <br />business". <br />
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