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10-02-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-02-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 <br />p.m. in the council chambers. <br />PAGE 9 <br />Mr. Nelson was present and explained to the Council that there is <br />presently a 60' x 40' building on the lot. He stated he would like to <br />keep the building because it would be a waste to tear it down. The <br />building will be used for storage and he would like to keep it up <br />permanently. Mr. Nelson would like to develop the lot with this barn <br />on it first. <br />Dorothy Lyons asked for clarification as to where the house would be <br />located. There were no other residents present to speak for or <br />against this proposal. <br />Eder stated that he has a problem with the building staying there. <br />Fraser stated that the planning in general makes a lot of sense, but <br />has questions about leaving the garage there permanently. <br />Mazzara feels that the barn would look out of place with the proposed <br />five new homes. <br />Mr. Nelson agreed with the option recommended by Eder to keep the <br />garage until the house is sold. <br />The public hearing was closed at 9:30 p.m. <br />The Engineer advised the Council that the changes to the plat have <br />been made regarding his concerns for right-of-way, lot size, and <br />street grades. There are still unresolved concerns regarding this <br />plat and they are (1) Lot 1 now has at least one acre of land <br />exclusive of drainage easements and suitable for drainfield proposes <br />except that the drainage easement severs the northerly 80 feet from <br />the rest of the lot. A variance from the one acre rule may be in <br />order because the existing home on Lot 1 is assumed to have a <br />functioning system and there is more than sufficient room on the <br />southerly portion of Lot 1 to provide an adequate system; and (2) <br />Drainage computations have been received but have not been fully <br />acceptable to the VBWD. The Engineer recommended that preliminary <br />plat approval not be given until it is shown that all drainage <br />requirements can be met. These drainage requirements may change <br />easement size or lot configuration. <br />M/S/P Eder/Dunn - To table a decision on the approval of Mr. Nelson <br />preliminary plat and zoning code variance until October 16, 1984. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />J. Public Hearing for application by Steve Howell for a <br />shoreland permit and three zoning code variances at Lot <br />8, Block 1, Eden Park 2nd Addition off of 21st Street. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 9:40 <br />p.m. in the council chambers. <br />Bruce Folz, representing Mr. Howell who was out of town, reviewed Mr. <br />( Howell's proposal to construct a single family home on Lot 8, Block 1, <br />Eden Park 2nd Addition. The variances requested are for lot size, <br />building elevation and drainfield elevation. <br />
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