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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 20, 1984 PPRUM, <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Eder at 7:00 p.m. in the <br />council chambers. Present: Dunn, Fraser (arrived 7:50) Mazzara, <br />Morgan, Administrator Klaers, Engineer Bohrer. <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - To approve the agenda as amended. Delete 7C - <br />Liquor License renewals; Add 5E - 201 Financing, and 7G - MAMA <br />Comparable Worth Study. (Motion carried 11-0). <br />2. Minutes <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To approve the minutes of the November 7, 1984 <br />City Council meeting as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To approve claims 85436 thru 85535 as presented. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. Public Inquiries <br />A. John Schiltz on 201 Program. <br />John Schiltz: "I attended the public hearing on the 201 Program in <br />Stillwater on December 7, 1984. 1 was told the objective of the 201 <br />Program is to stop water contamination in Washington County. When the <br />letters were first sent out to the residents in Lake Elmo, anyone that <br />had a concern or had a problem with their septic system were asked to <br />identify themselves. However, a lot of people were scared by the <br />potential cost for an improvement, not realizing that 94% of the cost <br />would be paid by the grant. Everyone in Lake Elmo that is affected is <br />not in this program, and I am not aware that there will be another <br />program in the immediate future to take care of the problems that were <br />not taken care of this year. The Old Village area is probably the <br />worst area - there are places in the Old Village that are pumping <br />their cesspools into their own gardens. I am going to live here in <br />Lake Elmo for the rest of my life, and so will my children. I am <br />concerned with the water problem that we are facing and which we'are <br />not really going to solve with this 201 Program. I also asked the <br />Washington County Board if this program would solve our problem or is <br />it just a little step in the right direction, but not the right <br />solution. I also asked if there was a central sewer system put into <br />the Old Village area of Lake Elmo, would 94% of the cost be paid by <br />the grant. I was told yes. Unfortunately there were not enough <br />people interested or that wanted to talk about the water contamination <br />problems in Lake Elmo. I would just like the people to know that a <br />grant for 94% of a central. sewer system for the Old Village area could <br />take place, and if the remaining 6% was broken down over ten to twenty <br />years, it would cost very little annually for each family. I was also <br />told at the public hearing that these new systems would be monitored <br />and contolled. We have the same rules and regulations on our books <br />now, and I don't believe that the code is being monitored or <br />controlled". <br />