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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-20-84 PAGE 2 <br />B. Dorothy Lyons on the entrance to the Regional Park <br />Ms. Lyons expressed concern over the entrance to the Regional Park. <br />Her concerns are whether or not the County will continue to acquire <br />land, contrary to the plans that they have previously been presented <br />to the City. <br />Consensus of the Council is to contact Washington County for further <br />information regarding this entrance, review the previous plans that <br />were submitted to the City, and put this item on a future City Council <br />agenda for review. Also, Ms. Lyons will meet with the City <br />Administrator to go over the information that is available, along with <br />a representative from Washington County. <br />5. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Loetscher/Dickhausen simple lot subdivision and lot <br />size zoning variance at 3063 Jamley Avenue. <br />The Council reviewed the memo from the Engineer dated November 15, <br />1984 in which he indicates that the applicants have now revised the <br />certificate of survey, provided soil tests and design for a new septic <br />system on each lot, and are prepared to construct a separate well. <br />The applicants have shown that there is sufficient room on each lot to <br />construct a new septic system should the existing ones fail. They <br />have also expressed their willingness to deed the rights -of -way to the <br />City and construct a new well. He believes all of the concerns of the <br />Council have now been met, and recommended that the City Council grant <br />the simple lot division with variances for lot size. The hardship is <br />that the property has two homes located on it and has been used as <br />separate lots for many years. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - That the intent of the City Council is to <br />approve by Resolution a simple lot subdivision with lot size variance <br />for Dickhausen/Loetscher at 3063 Jamley Avenue after the well is <br />constructed and the quit claircm deeds are provided. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />B. Public Hearing regarding Oak Wilt diseased trees in the <br />Highlands Trail area. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:45 <br />p.m. in the city council chambers. <br />Reference was made to a letter from Roger Derrick, President of <br />Derrick Land Company dated November 1, 1984 in which he states "It has <br />been brought to my attention there are nine diseased trees at <br />DeMontreville Highlands (Lot 14, Block 2) and the cost to dispose of <br />them therefore <br />againstetherapp for the <br />properly <br />appropriate <br />lot". <br />In a verbal communication with the city staff, Mr. Derrick asked that <br />this public hearing be stricken from the agenda as he has contracted <br />with the Lake Elmo Jaycees to remove these trees. <br />