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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-20-84 PAGE 4 <br />State Aid Street. Local streets or County Roads cannot serve as <br />termini. Also, the street should provide a "through" function and not <br />just provide local access. The Engineer estimates that the City could <br />be receiving an additional $7,000 in annual construction allotments <br />and $1,125 in annual maintenance funds if the 0.75 miles could be <br />assigned. The Council could designate a street now if it is 0.75 <br />miles or less in length or choose a longer street and wait until the <br />MSA mieage increases to that length. Rules for requesting these <br />additions have recently been changed. These requsts must be submitted <br />by March 1, 1985 to be figured into the 1986 allotments. <br />Some suggestions from the City Engineer for MSA designation are: <br />1. 39th Street from CSAH 17 to TH 5 (presently non-existent). <br />This route could relieve some of the congestion at the <br />TH 5 and CSAH 17 intersections. (0.46 miles) <br />2. 36th Street and Layton Avenue from CSAH 17 to TH5. <br />Layton Avenue is in need of reconstruction. (0.31 miles). <br />3. Kimbro Avenue and 43rd Street from 47th Street to CSAH 17. <br />This street would advance the City's goal of eventually <br />paving all of the existing gravel roads. (.087 miles). <br />The Council discussed the above three options. Although no immediate <br />action needs to be taken, it is the consensus of the Council to <br />highlight this subject in the City Newsletter for comments from the <br />public, and continue this discussion at a future meeting. <br />E. Other <br />A. 201 Financing <br />The Council reviewed the memo from the City Engineer dated November <br />20, 1984 in which he addresses the construction costs for the 201 <br />Program. The memo indicates there is a substantial difference between <br />the present estimated construction cost shown on the Engineer's <br />Estimate for all parts ($1,403,945) and the original construction cost <br />estimated in the Facilities Plan in 1981 and subsequently shown in the <br />grant ($360,000). <br />After a review of the Facilities Plan and a comparision to the <br />Engineer's Estimate, it is clear that the increase is not due to any <br />one factor but the additive effect of several factors. The two <br />primary factors appear to be that more work needs to be done than <br />anticipated in the Facilities Plan and the unit prices for the work <br />are higher than anticipated in the Facilities Plan. <br />The City of Lake Elmo should seek a grant amendment after bids are <br />received in accordance with present rules and regulations; however, it <br />seems apropriate at this time to alert the Agency to this possibility <br />now based upon the Engineer's Estimate. Since general obligation <br />bonds must be sold to finance the local share and interim construction . <br />financing, the City should seek a preliminary determination from the <br />Agency as to the liklihood of the grant being amended to cover these <br />additional costs. <br />This increase in the estimated project cost affects the amount to be <br />assessed and the interim financing (bonding) for the Project. <br />