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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-20-84 PAGE 5 <br />The Plans are in for plan review and there is no reason to change that <br />schedule. If the grant is amended to cover the increased cost at the <br />same participating percentage as had been done in the past for other <br />projects, the average cost is still within the range given at public <br />hearings. We will continue to urge the PCA to make a preliminary <br />ruling prior to bid opening. <br />Regarding the interim financing, the County and the Bond Consultant <br />want to set the bond amount at the December 4, 1984 meeting. Since <br />there will probably be insufficient time for the Council to meet prior <br />to this date, the Bond Consultant recommended the City's previous <br />motion requesting a bond amount of $325,000 be changed to read as <br />follows: <br />"not less than $325,000 or such larger amount as determined <br />by the finance program as set forth to Washington County <br />regarding the finance requirements". <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To amend the motion from the 2-7-84 City <br />Council minutes (6A) to read: "not less than $325,000 or such larger <br />amount as determined by the finance program as set forth to Washington <br />County regarding the finance requirements". (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Engineer elaborated on the comments made by John Schiltz (see <br />above 4 - Public Inquiries). Mr. Schiltz stated that the comment <br />had been made that this grant provides for 94% of the construction <br />costs for sanitary sewers or a treatment plant, or whatever would be <br />necessary, and the grant would pay for it. That is true only if a <br />sanitary sewer and a treatment plant were considered to be the least <br />costly alternative for solving the problem. In Lake Elmo's case that <br />did not turn out to be true. It turned out that upgrading the septic <br />systems was cheaper in both first -costs and maintenance. <br />6. City Council Reports <br />A. Christmas Party Update - Fraser <br />Fraser reported that the Christmas mugs are ready, and John Schiltz of <br />the Lake Elmo Inn is willing to provide the refreshments at a cost of <br />approximately $375. She further suggested Friday, December 14th as <br />the date for the Christmas Party from 4:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. <br />B. Other <br />7. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Public Hearing (continued for 11-7-84) for consideration <br />of Ordinance 7964, amending the Surface Water Ordinance, <br />in conformance with R84-44. <br />Pat Sinclair, 8164 Hill Trail North asked if the 930.25 level that <br />was set for Lake DeMontreville was going to be changed. <br />What is being proposed is that during periods of high water on Lake <br />Jane when the level of that lake reaches 924.0, or when Lakes Olson <br />and DeMontreville reach 930.25 the City of Lake Elmo can, upon <br />notifying the Washington County Sheriff, impose a slow no -wake speed <br />on Lakes Jane, Olson and DeMontreville. Such restrictions shall <br />