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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-20-84 PAGE 8 <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - To adopt Resolution 84-60 acknowledging and <br />accepting the DNR Grant in the amount of $225 for the grooming of the <br />cross country ski trails in Sunfish Park. (Motion caried 4-0). <br />E. Parks Capital Improvement Program <br />The Council reviewed the Parks Capital Improvement Program as <br />presented. The Administrator pointed out that the Parks Commission is <br />not committing themselves to doing everything in the plan. This is <br />basically a concept plan, and the Commission will be evaluating each <br />individual item as they come up. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser - To accept the Parks Commission 5 Year Capital <br />Improvement Plan as presented. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />Mazzara suggested switching a couple of things in the plan. He felt <br />that there would be a need to replace/repair the picnic tables, grills <br />in Lions Park sooner than 1987 and suggested they be switched with the <br />proposed playground equipment for Reid Park that is planned for 1985 <br />and 1986. <br />F. 1985 Water and Sewer Budgets <br />The Council reviewed the proposed budget for the water and sewer funds <br />for 1985. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To adopt the 1985 Water and Sewer Budgets amended. <br />(The net Water Department loss for 1985 is projected to be $2000). / <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />G. MAMA - Comparable Worth Study <br />The Administrator referenced a memo from MAMA regarding a Joint <br />Compensation Study, Consultant Selection and Cities Participation in <br />the Comparable Worth Study. There are 56 cities jointly participating <br />in this study at a base cost of $3000 to $3500 per city (subject to a <br />decrease if more than thirty of the out -state cities join), plus an <br />additional charge, depending on the number of employees in the city. <br />(Lake Elmo's additional cost would be approximately $1500). A MAMA <br />meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 1984 to discuss <br />this proposal, the costs involved in this joint project, and to get a <br />committment from cities desiring to participate in this joint study. <br />Dunn stated that this sounds like a bureaucrats dream -come -true. The <br />State passes a law and than we as a City have to go out and hire a <br />consultant to interpret that law. On that basis, Dunn would not <br />support participation in this joint program. We can do just as well <br />on our own. <br />Morgan stated he was less than enthusiastic about this joint program. <br />He asked the Administrator if we would really have a problem doing <br />this in-house. <br />The Administrator stated he thought it could be done in-house, but did; <br />not know how we would develop our own guidelines. The State has not <br />yet issued any guidelines. <br />