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11-24-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-24-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11-20-84 PAGE 7 <br />possibilities and suggested that if the Council wants to do anything <br />further with the level of Lakes Olson and DeMontreville, some kind of <br />a study be made as to the affects of erosion because of the high <br />( water, before any further bans are considered. <br />Mr. Sinclair stated he is in favor of eliminating Lakes DeMontreville <br />and Olson from the boat ban. What concerns him is that last summer <br />when the ban came into effect, he was not notified of the ban. He <br />asked if there was a way of notifying the residents that lived on the <br />lakes, because if the people knew that an item that affects them as <br />much as the setting of levels where they can't go out fishing, water <br />skiing, etc., they would be here expressing their concerns. <br />The Council acknowledged a letter from Mr.and Mrs. D.K. Hubenette <br />dated November 17, 1984 protesting the raising of the water level on <br />Lakes DeMontreville and Olson. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:52 p.m. <br />M/S/P Eder/Morgan - To adopt Ordinance 7964 amending Section 1511.02C <br />of the 1979 Municipal Code of Lake Elmo to read as follows: During <br />periods of high water on Lake Jane, when the level of that lake <br />reaches 924 feet mean sea level, the City Administrator of the City of <br />Lake Elmo may at his/her discretion upon notifying the Washington <br />County Sheriff impose a slow/no-wake speed on Lake Jane. Such <br />restrictions shall become effective upon a date specified by the City <br />Administrator. The City Administrator shall make every effort to <br />notify the public of such restricion by notifying local newspapers and <br />attempting to have this restriction published as a news item. All <br />public lake accesses shall be posted prior to and during the time such <br />restrictions are in place. In addition, notice of said restrictions <br />shall be posted at the lake Elmo City Hall. Said restriction shall be <br />removed promptly when water levels on Lake Jane have receded to below <br />924 feet mean seal level. This ordinance shall become effective upon <br />approval by the Commissioner of Natural Resources. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />B. Date and Time for City Council Castle Design depositions. <br />The City Attorney has indicated that the representatives of Castle <br />Design desire depositions from the entire City Council regarding the <br />Council's denial of the variances requested by Castle Design which <br />were needed before a home could be constructed on the lot in question. <br />It will take approximately fifteen minutes per Council member for <br />these depositions. <br />Consensus of the Council is to give the depositions prior to the <br />December 4, 1984 City Council meeting, starting at 5:30 p.m. The <br />Council will meet with the City Attorney, fifteen minutes prior to <br />giving the depositions, for legal advice. <br />C. Liquor License Renewals (Tabled) <br />D. DNR Grant <br />The Administrator advised the Council that Lake Elmo received a DNR <br />grant in the amount of $225 for the grooming of the cross country ski <br />trails in Sunfish Park and indicated a resolution should be adopted to <br />officially acknowledge this grant. <br />
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