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12-18-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-18-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-18-84 PAGE 4 <br />C. Escrow release for Teal Pass Estates <br />The Engineer reported that a final inspection of Jasper Way within <br />Teal Pass Estates was performed and finds it ready for final <br />acceptance by the City. The Maintenance Foreman has also inspected <br />the street and has no concerns regarding acceptance of this street. <br />As -built drawings and certification of conformance have been received, <br />and all of the conditions of the developers agreement have been met, <br />and.recommended that the final remaining escrow be released. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To adopt Resolution 84-79 accepting Jasper Way <br />within Teal Pass Estates as a public street in Lake Elmo. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - To release the final escrow in the amount of <br />$8,331.25 to Ken Neudahl, Teal Pass Estates, as the street (Jasper <br />Way) has been constructed to City standards, was inspected, and met <br />with the approval of the City Engineer. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />D. Other (None) <br />7. Presentations <br />A. Dick Herold and Don Wisniewski from the Washington County <br />Public Works Department regarding the Regional Park entrance from I-94 <br />to loth Street. <br />Mr. Herold and Mr. Wisniewski made a slide presentation on the <br />preliminary layout of County Road 19B, between I-94 and 10th Street. <br />(A copy of this plan is on file at the City Office for public review). <br />Mr. Wisniewski stated this is proposed to be a 1986 construction <br />project, so if the primary parts of the final design can be completed <br />this winter, they would be able to pruchase right-of-way, and in late <br />fall of 1985 and spring of 1986 let the contract for this <br />construction. <br />The County would like comments from the City of Lake Elmo, before the <br />end of January, regarding this proposal so that it can proceed with <br />the final design. <br />Dorothy Lyons had several questions on this proposal. Mayor Eder <br />suggested that she put her concerns with this proposal in writing so <br />that they can be addressed by the new City Council. <br />B. Charles Dayton representing the property owners on Sunfish <br />Lake. <br />Mr. Dayton stated he is before the Council because of the long <br />standing problem with water levels on Sunfish Lake resulting in part <br />from the pumping out of Lake Jane into City Park Pond. Mr. Dayton <br />acknowledged the proposed 509 Plan, but feels that it could be years <br />before the Plan is actually agreed upon, and years more before such a <br />plan could be implemented. <br />Mr. Dayton pointed out that there is an immediate problem on Sunfish <br />Lake, which gets worse every year. The water level is now at a point <br />where trees of the age of 170 years old are inundated and dying, and <br />there is no certainty as to the level which the lake will ultimately <br />
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