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12-18-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-18-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-18-84 PAGE 3 <br />Fraser stated she very strongly brought this issue to the attention of <br />the City Administrator, who in her judgement looked at this very <br />slowly over a considerable period of time, and while the door, y:not <br />be closed, there was no inclination to really deal with the is .: <br />She is not aware of anyone else on the Council making much -:push to <br />deal with the issue, and it is something that needs to be addressed. <br />6. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Public Hearing for the vacation of the right--of-way relating <br />to the 1984 MSA Project. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:47 <br />p.m. in the City Council chambers. <br />The Engineer stated that the 1984 MSA project realigned the roads of <br />47th, Julep and 45th because of requirements on the type of curves <br />that are allowed on an MSA street. Now that the street has been <br />realigned, some previously acquired right-of-way is no longer <br />required. The purpose of this hearing is to officially vacate this <br />right-of-way and return the property to the owners. The property <br />owners affected are Mr. and Mrs. Berchens (approximately .657 acres), <br />and Mrs. Myrtle Eder (approximately .674 acres). <br />The Engineer further pointed out there is a small piece of land (that <br />would be returned to Mrs. Eder) that is odd -shaped and the terrain is <br />hilly. He would ask the owner (if she was present) if she would like <br />to have that piece of property returned or not. It may not be useful <br />to the property owner, but it would add to the gross land area, and <br />would be a decision made by the property owner. <br />There were no residents present to offer comments for or against this <br />proposal, and the public hearing was closed at 7.57 p.m. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To adopt Resolution 84-77 authorizing the <br />vacation of the unused portion of the right-of-way along 45th, Julep <br />and 47th relating to the road realignment of the 1984 MSA project. <br />(Motion carried 4-0-1 <Eder>) <br />Eder acknowledged that his mother is Myrtle E. Eder, and that in the <br />last half of 1984 he has had some economic interest in the products of <br />the land, but has no ownership in the land. <br />B. Loetscher/Dickhausen simple lot subdivision and zoning code <br />lot size variance at 3063 Jamley Avenue. <br />The Administrator stated that the Building Official has indicated that <br />the well is substantially completed, so the conditions requested by <br />the Planning Commission and City Engineer have been met. The quit <br />claim deeds are in the City Attorney's office. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Morgan - To adopt Resolution 84-78 approving the simple <br />lot subdivision and zoning code lot size variance for Daniel <br />Dickhausen at 3053 Jamley Avenue North and 9051 31st Street North. <br />( (Motion carried 5-0) <br />
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