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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-18-84 PAGE 6 <br />Mr. Dayton will put his proposal in a written form to all parties <br />involved. The desire of the residents on Sunfish Lake is to establish <br />an agreement that would control the level on Sunfish Lake; however, <br />there may be a number of other benefits that could flow from such a <br />committee. The desired goal is to avoid the expense of litigation for <br />all of the parties involved. <br />This item will be on the January 8, 1985 City Council agenda. The <br />representatives from VBWD will be invited to this meeting. <br />8. City Council Report <br />A. Laura Fraser - Public availability of City Council Packets. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara - That a copy of the entire City Council agenda <br />packet, which is sent out to the Council members prior to each <br />meeting, be made available for public inspection at the -City Office at <br />the time which packets are sent out to the entire Council. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />Morgan pointed out that at times these packets contain confidential or <br />sensative material, and that the staff should be careful as to what <br />information is included in these packets. <br />B. Mike Mazzara - Waste -to -Energy Update <br />Mazzara informed the Council that the mass -burn Waste -To -Energy Plant <br />will not be located in Lake Elmo. The technology will be different it will be an RDF Plant and will be located in Newport, and the <br />proposed vendor is NSP. The Counties will be guaranteeing at least <br />900 tons of trash per day to this plant in Newport. <br />Originally, the mass -burn plant was proposed to cost between $60 and <br />$100 million. This proposed RDF plant, including the bonding issue, <br />financing and the building of the plant is going to cost about $25 <br />million. The tipping fee that the haulers will have to pay at the <br />plant will be about $25 per ton. Right now, the tipping fee at Pine <br />Bend is right around $12 per ton. To actually finance, or make up <br />that difference, it still has not been decided whether to charge the <br />homeowners at the point of delivery, or whether it is used as a taxing <br />system. The point is, the cost to the trash hauler is doubled. <br />This does not eliminate the need for a future landfill in Washington <br />County, but Mazzara estimates that it will not be in Lake Elmo. <br />Dunn pointed out that when this Waste -To -Energy plant was first <br />proposed, a lot of citizens and certain Council members were so sure <br />that this was going in that one member even suggested that the City <br />put up front money to investigate and study the impact on the area and <br />look at the best development. The lesson to be learned, is that we <br />should not be to eager to spend money, even when something looks like <br />a sure thing, until it is a sure thing. <br />