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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-4-84 PAGE 2 <br />5. Fire Chief - Fran Pott <br />A. 1985 Fire Department Officers <br />B. Fire Department Bylaw Amendments <br />The Fire Chief advised the Council that at the Annual Fire <br />Department's Meeting held in November, the following officers were <br />elected: Chief, Fran Pott; Assistant Chief, Dick Sachs; Captains, <br />Jim Bjorkman, Bill Eder, Rick Keller, Jim Sachs; Station Captain, Jim <br />Beers. <br />The Fire Chief noted that the term of these offices is normally for <br />one year. However, depending upon what happens with the proposed <br />bylaw changes, they will either remain at one year terms, or possibly <br />the Assistant Chief and two of the Captains will be two year terms. <br />The changes in content of the Fire Department's bylaws consist <br />basically of setting the number of captains at one captain for every <br />five members of the department; and elections would generally be two <br />years with staggered terms, so that the entire group of officers would <br />not be changed in any one given year. <br />These bylaw changes are being reviewed by the Bylaw Committee, and <br />should be before the City Council on December 18th for approval. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To approve the 1985 Fire Department officials <br />elected at the annual fire department meeting: Chief: Fran Pott; <br />Assistant Chief, Dick Sachs; Captains, Jim Bjorkman, Bill Eder, Rick <br />Keller, Jim Sachs, Station Captain, Jim Beers. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />Fraser stated that the former fire chief resigned from the department <br />in a letter received by the City Council. The City Council has to <br />approve all new fire department members and resignations. Now that we <br />are asked to approve these new officers, we should also address the <br />former fire chiefs resignation. <br />Pott stated that normally a resignation is directed to the fire <br />department. In this particular case, it was directed to the Council, <br />so the fire department didn't take any action. <br />Fraser stated that since the regulation is in the City Code, a person <br />wouldn't legally resign until the Council acted on the resignation. <br />It would also seem to follow that that person's rights to retirement <br />would still be in effect. Also, a Council should want to look very <br />carefully at an action that would cut-off a long term members rights <br />to retirement. Accepting this resignation could be done with a simple <br />motion, but it is something that should be considered carefully before <br />making a decision. <br />This subject will be brought back to the Council on December 18th, <br />1984 with all pertinent information. <br />