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12-04-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-04-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-4-84 PAGE 3 <br />C. 1985 Grass Rig Capital Outlay <br />Pott indicated that the Fire Department is ready to move forward with <br />the grass rig that has been in the capital plan for some time. The <br />grass rig would replace the existing 1963 Scout that is now being used <br />for grass fires. The new rig would be a one ton, four wheel drive <br />pickup with a pump, tank and hose as a separate unit in the bed of the <br />truck. The tank would hold approximately 200 gallons of water as <br />opposed to the 100 gallon tank that is on the Scout. <br />Pott feels that the appropriate way to buy this grass rig is in two <br />parts. The pickup with radio, lights, siren; and then the slide -in <br />unit for the bed of the truck. The Fire Department is proposing to <br />put the specs together for review by the City Engineer and City <br />Administrator. Bids would then be requested for the truck, and <br />immediately after that, proceed with the slide -in unit. <br />Pott sugggested that the Fire Department keep the Scout for one year <br />because he is unsure of the Capital Improvement Plan for the Fire <br />Department. The Fire Department's CIP will be reviewed with the <br />Council's Capital Improvement Committee shortly after the first of the <br />year. The lights, radio, siren and tank on the Scout may have some <br />value, but estimates the value of the Scout to be $500 to $600. <br />$20,000 is in the Capital Improvement Plan for this purchase and Pott <br />estimates the actual cost will be approximately $17,500. <br />Bruce Kuettner, 9130 Jamaca Court North stated that plans in the CIP <br />was for a tanker, not a grass rig. He also asked what the need is in <br />Lake Elmo for new equipmnet, specifically a grass rig. How much will <br />it be used, and is the old truck that dilapidated that it can't be <br />used? The City just spent $1000 for new tires, painting, etc., for <br />the Scout. <br />Pott stated that good money has been spent on maintenance, but this is <br />done with all of the vehicles. We are in a situation where we have <br />several old vehicles, and we have to come up with some kind of a plan <br />to upgrade the fleet. There have been two plans - one showing the <br />tanker being purchased first, and the other showing the grass rig <br />being purchased first. It is the feeling of the Fire Department that <br />the grass rig would be most useful. Besides being used for grass <br />fires (and it is the only unit that the Fire Department can get off <br />the road with), it is also used as a utility vehicle. <br />Kuettner stated he has a hard time seeing the relative put down of the <br />old Scout when it is only used along the railroad tracks. If you <br />start getting into the bigger vehicles, you will become less <br />effective. To his recollection, the Scout was only used three or four <br />times a year for fires, and it does a good job along the railroad <br />tracks. <br />Morgan stated that because a great deal of the land in Lake Elmo is <br />rural, and with the parks where you cannot get in without a four wheel <br />drive, the need for a reliable off the road vehicle is obviously <br />greater than the need for an on the road vehicle. <br />
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