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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-4-84 <br />PAGE 4 <br />Kuettner stated that with the proposed grass rig, you will be weighing <br />down the truck with 250 gallons of water (at 8.3 pounds per gallon) <br />versus ninety gallons on the Scout. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To instruct the Fire Chief to proceed with <br />preparing the plans and specifications for the proposed grass rig <br />which will then be reviewed by the City Administrator and City <br />Engineer and brought back before the City Council for review. (Motion <br />carried.-5-0). <br />Fraser stated that she would like to make some comments and <br />recommendations to the Fire Chief and Fire Department, the incoming <br />City Council and makes this statement because of changed <br />circumstances, and in no way is she looking at any individuals one way <br />or another...... Many changes have occured in the Fire Department in <br />the twenty-five years since the department was started. Many new <br />homes have been built, the population has increased, large <br />concentrations of people now live at a considerabe distance from the <br />fire station and some of them may live closer to fire stations outside <br />of the City. Many of the calls that are now being made are first <br />response and emergency - over and above the fire calls. Also, the <br />number of fire fighters has been low in the past year, and this is in <br />spite of recruiting efforts. It seems that all of these things raise <br />the question of the current adequacy of the system that we have in <br />place. She recommended that a major, serious detailed study of our <br />fire protection and emergency service be made, and that appropriate <br />steps then be taken as a result of that study. She would like to see <br />a "citizens commission" a number of people representing different <br />aspects of the community in terms of geography, interests, etc., make,. - <br />this study. �_' <br />6. City Engineer's Report <br />A. Crombie Simple Lot Subdivision at 8120 DeMontreville <br />Trail North. <br />The Council reviewed the recommendation from the Planning Commission, <br />the revised certificte of survey which shows the location of the house <br />on parcel A and the well and septic system, as requested by the City <br />Engineer. <br />The Engineer stated that he has reviewed the placement of the well and <br />septic system on parcel A, and neither the well or septic system will <br />place any restrictions on what is done on parcel Bl. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To adopt resolution 84-61 approving the <br />Crombie simple lot subdivision at 8120 DeMontreville Trail North as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission contingent upon the applicant <br />complying with the recommendations of the City Engineer as outlined in <br />his memo of November 27, 1984. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Ordinance 7960: Nominal 10 acre subdivisions <br />The Administrator advised the Council that a public hearing was held <br />by the Planning Commission on this proposed ordinance on November 26, <br />