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Informational Memo for 1-8-85 City Council Meeting Page 2 <br />5. Attached for your information is the most recent monthly report <br />from the Fire Department for December, 1984. This report includes the <br />major house fire that occurred on December 3rd. Out of the eighteen <br />fire/rescue calls listed, ten or more men responded to fourteen of <br />these calls. <br />6. The staff has ordered name tags for all the Council members. <br />These tags will be distributed at the 1-8-85 meeting. The purpose of <br />these tags is for the Council members to be easily identified to the <br />public during breaks of the City Council meetings, and when Council <br />members attend County or Regional meetings. <br />7. The 1985 Lake Elmo City Budget will be distributed at the 1-8-85 <br />meeting. <br />8. Attached for your information is an article from the Minneapolis <br />Tribune dated 12-27-84 regarding high water on Lake Pulaski. <br />According to the article, the DNR has finally agreed to review the <br />OHWM on this lake because of the extensive flooding that has caused <br />millions of dollars in property damage. The DNR has repeatedly <br />refused to review these OHWM, and by having them reevaluate the Lake <br />Pulaski case may be a benefit to Lake Elmo in trying to get the OHWM <br />adjusted on some of our area lakes. One of the last paragraphs <br />summarizes the DNR perspective on reviewing lake levels as many <br />citizens (on over 100 lakes) will be requesting their OHWM be <br />evaluated, mainly because of the unusual amount of water that <br />Minnesota has received over the past few years. <br />9. If any City Council member needs to get in touch with me after the <br />normal working hours or on weekends, my home telephone number is <br />771-3850. If I am not at that number, or there is no answer at that <br />number, everyone should feel free to call 870-0228 as I may be <br />visiting a friend. <br />10. Attached for your information is a flyer from the League of <br />Minnesota Cities regarding its conference for newly elected officials. <br />This conference will be held Saturday, 2-9-85, and Council member Rose <br />Armstrong has already requested that the staff register her for this <br />conference. I strongly encourage all of the City Council to attend <br />this conference as it would be a good refresher and, for the new <br />Council members, will be a good introduction to City Council <br />activities. There has been money budgeted in the City Council <br />�- <br />classification for conferences and workshops. Any Council member that <br />wishes to attend this meeting should notify me as soon a possible. <br />11. I have been informed by Maynard Eder that he will be employed as <br />a Committee Assistant for the Educational Committee of the Minnesota <br />House of Representatives. Sally Olson is the chairperson for this <br />Committee, and Maynard has started work already in this new position. <br />As you may recall, Maynard's last day at the bank was Monday, December <br />31st and he began work as the Committee Assistant on January 2, 1985. <br />Additionally, Maynard is still our representative on the Cable <br />Commission and a State Law change allows this Cable Commission <br />Representative to be a citizen or a Council member. The staff <br />believes, and Maynard concurs, that it would be best to continue <br />having Maynard represent Lake Elmo through 1985 as he has been part of <br />this group since Lake Elmo joined. Additionally, Maynard is the <br />Treasurer for the Cable Commission. <br />