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01-08-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-08-85 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1-8-85 PAGE 2 <br />Morgan pointed out that a precedent has been set (the Steindorf case), <br />but the best the Council can do at this point is to indicate to the <br />Durand's that since a precedent has been set, the Council would be <br />hard-pressed to act differently in this case. <br />B. Letter from Charles Dayton regarding Sunfish Lake <br />property owners. <br />The Council reviewed a letter dated January 3, 1985 from Charles K. <br />Dayton, an attorney representing the Sunfish Lake Homeowners. Mr. <br />Dayton proposes in this letter that representatives from each of the <br />interested parties meet on a designated day to attempt to negotiate an <br />agreement to establish a specific level of Sunfish Lake which would <br />control, from the present time until such time as some long term <br />solutions have been implemented, for regulating the waters on the <br />Tri-Lakes and Sunfish Lake. <br />Morgan stated Jim Weyer, from the Tri-Lakes Area, has volunteered to <br />serve on this committee. He has been involved with the Lake Jane <br />Association and feels he would be a good spokesman for that group. <br />Morgan volunteered to serve as the City Council's representative, and / <br />offered the City Council chambers as a meeting place for this group. \_ <br />Consensus of the Council is that we have to find a place to divert the <br />water this spring. We cannot allow Lake Jane to go up an higher than <br />it did last year; we also cannot allow Sunfish Lake to continue to <br />rise - whether it is associated with the pumping or not - is beyond <br />the point right now. <br />C. Dean Johnston, 8200 Hill Trail regarding the land abuse <br />on Lakes Olson and DeMontreville. <br />Mr. Johnston registered his concerns about the use of the highways (in <br />particular Hill Trail and 50th Street) for access to the Lakes. In <br />several places, the shoulders of the road have been worn thru to the <br />bare ground. Also, the three -wheel traffic has been excessive - the <br />sixty feet on the end of his lot has been used for jumping ramps, and <br />the plants and vegetation on his lot have suffered great damage. <br />The Council will review the City Ordinance to make sure that the same <br />rules that apply to snowmobiles apply to other recreational vehicles. <br />Also, the Council would like the deputy to come in and talk about the <br />problem, and how the problem is being handled. It should also be <br />noted in the City 'Newsletter that the City Ordinance will be <br />enforced. The Council will also look at the feasibility of putting up <br />a cable fence (in the spring) to prevent the traffic from accessing <br />the lake at this point. <br />5. City Engineer's Report <br />A. MSA Discussion <br />The Council reviewed the letter dated January 4, 1985 from the City <br />Engineer regarding MSA System Additions and the 1985 MSA Project. <br />Lake Elmo currently has approximately $214,300 available in its MSA <br />Construction account. Although the City's 10-year plan does not show <br />a construction project planned for 1985, with this substantial amount <br />available for construction, the City staff recommends that this <br />timetable be moved up. <br />
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