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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1-8-85 PAGE 3 <br />M/S/P Morgan/Armstrong - To accept the Engineer's recommendation that <br />he proceed with field surveys, preliminary design, and cost estimates <br />for the improvement of Lower 33rd Street from Klondike Avenue to CSAH <br />17 necessary to prepare a feasibility report on the project. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />Regarding the undesignated MSA mileage, the City currently can assign <br />up to 0.78 miles of State Aid streets. The City should always try to <br />assign its maximum mileage because then it will receive its maximum <br />maintenance and construction allotments. <br />Comment was solicited from the public as to possible MSA designations. <br />The only public comment received was from three property owners who <br />supported the MSA designation of Kimbro Avenue and 43rd Street, even <br />though they realized that the streets would not be improved until <br />about 1995• Designating this segment would advance the City's goal of <br />eventually paving all of the existing gravel roads. However, the City <br />is presently 0.09 miles short for desigating this segment. <br />With Teal Pass <br />construction in <br />County Road 19B <br />could designate <br />Street by 1987. <br />Estates 3rd Addition contemplating 0.40 miles of street <br />1985, and Washington County contemplating 1.0 miles of <br />construction in 1986, it is estimated tht the City <br />43rd Street and Kimbro Avenue as a Municipal State Aid <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To accept the Engineer's recommendation that 36th <br />Street and Layton Avenue from Laverne Avenue to TH 5 (0.24 miles) be <br />designated as a Municipal State Aid Street, and to instruct the <br />Engineer to prepare the necessary documents to proceed with this <br />designation. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />B. Other <br />The Engineer reviewed his concerns over the subdivision that took <br />place in the Lanes DeMontreville area, without benefit of City <br />approval. <br />A Stephen Grabski who owned Lots 610 thru 620 and Lots 519 thru 527 <br />(and who is included in the 201 Program) has sold Lots 612 thru 615 <br />and 524 thru 527, along with the existing house to a James Marcio. <br />Mr. Grabski sold Lots 610 and 611 to a Mr. Wackerfuss and retained <br />Lots 616 thru 620 and 529 thru 523 for himself. <br />The Engineer further advised the Council that what Mr. Grabski did was <br />in violation of the City Code (Section 301.090B) which states: <br />Contiguous Parcels: If in a group of two or more contiguous lots or <br />parcels of land owned or controlled by the same person, any individual <br />lot or parcel does not meet the full width or area requirements of <br />this Ordinance, such individual lot or parcel cannot be considered as <br />a separate parcel of land for purposes of sale or development, but <br />must be combined with adjacent lots or parcels under the same <br />ownership so that the combination of lots or parcels will equal one or <br />more parcels of land each meeting the full lot width and area <br />requirements of this Ordinance; and City Code (Section 301.090F) which <br />states: No yard or lot shall be reduced in area or dimension so as to <br />make it less than the minimum required by this Ordinance, and if the <br />existing yard or lot is less than the minimum required, it shall not <br />be further reduced. No required yard or lot currently used for a <br />building or dwelling group shall be used to satisfy minimum lot area <br />requirements for any other building. <br />