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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1-8-85 PAGE 8 <br />business person to farmer). Some of the options to be looked at by <br />this committee would be: to stay where we are, build our own building, <br />remodel the old building, buying land to construct a building versus <br />the use City land to construct a building. <br />The objective of the committee is to explore the pros and cons of all <br />of the alternatives available, but to refrain from making a specific <br />recommendation to the Council. <br />8. City Administrator's Report <br />A. Comparable Worth Proposal from MAMA <br />The Administrator stated that if the City Council elects not to <br />participate in the MAMA study, the project will have to be done <br />in-house by the City Staff. Additionally, a City Council committee <br />will have to be setup to help in the evaluation of the worth of each <br />employee, and part of the committee's duties will be to determine the <br />type of system the City of Lake Elmo will use in evaluating comparable <br />worth of each employee. <br />Morgan feels that it would be good for the City Council and the City <br />Administrator to go thru the exercise of examining the worth of each <br />employee. Morgan stated he is willing to take the time to go thru <br />this study. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - To not participate in the MAMA comparable worth <br />study, but to do this study in-house. (Motion carried 5 -0) <br />B. Planning Commission Requests <br />The Administrator stated. the Planning Commission is looking for input <br />and direction from the Council on any subject it feels the Planning <br />Commission should work on this year. <br />Morgan suggested that the Commission review the kind of development <br />that is undesirable to Lake Elmo as once an area is rezoned we seem to <br />lose some control as to what goes into the area. <br />Regarding the proposed Interstate Corridor Overlay District, the <br />Administrator suggested that the Council join the Planning Commission <br />at its 1-14-85 meeting to discuss this proposal (which will also be <br />attended by the City Planner) before the public hearing process <br />begins. <br />The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. <br />