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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1-8-85 PAGE 7 <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - That because of the way the City Code is written <br />(Section 240.012 prohibiting members from serving more than two <br />consecutive terms if the average length of service for the entire <br />Commission is more than 4 years) the City advertise in the City <br />Newsletter the vacancies on the Planning Commission, but to allow Bob <br />Dreher and Howard Michels to sit on the Planning Commission until that <br />section of the City Code is reevaluated by the City Council. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />Regarding Vicki Gifford's request for a leave of absence, Morgan <br />stated he disagrees with granting leaves of absence. There is nothing <br />to prevent the individual from reapplying and getting back on the <br />Commission when there is an opening. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - To deny the request from Vicki Gifford for a <br />leave of absence as the Council does not wish to set a precedent (for <br />either of the Commission's) in allowing leaves of absence. (Motion <br />carried 4-1 <Mazzara>) <br />In response to comments from Sandy Nazarian, Carol Kuettner and Mike <br />Mazzara regarding the qualifications and contributions made by Gifford <br />to the Planning Commission, Morgan stated that her qualifications have <br />nothing to do with serving on the Commission. The question is, do we <br />want to give leaves of absence to people serving the Commisions, and <br />the consensus of the Council is that they do not wish to set this <br />precedent. <br />2. Parks Commission <br />There are three vacancies on the Parks Commission (one regular and two <br />alternate). Mary Olson and Bill Osborn have requested reappointment <br />to this Commission. <br />Christ/Morgan - To reappoint Mary Olson and Bill Osborn to three year <br />terms on the Parks Commission. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />Christ/Armstrong - To appoint David VanLandschoot to the Parks <br />Commission to serve out the term of Arlyn Christ (thru 12-31-85); to <br />appoint Ron Smith as first alternate to the Parks Commission to serve <br />out the term of Rose Armstrong (thru 12-31-86) and to advertise the <br />second alternate position in the City Newsletter. (Motion carried <br />5-0) <br />H. Citizens Committee <br />1. City Office <br />The staff suggested that the City Council appoint a citizens committee <br />to evaluate the City Office needs in Lake Elmo, and to solicit <br />membership to this committee thru the City Newsletter. <br />Mazzara feels that at this point, before we place an ad in the <br />Newsletter, the City Council should set some guidelines for this <br />committee. <br />Morgan suggested that the Administrator draft a list of suggested <br />guidelines for Council review. Some of the suggestions from the <br />Council for these guidelines are: to have a committee of from seven <br />to nine residents, to have representation from all corners of the <br />City, to have representation from all types of individuals (from <br />