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03-19-85 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-19-85 CCM
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T9 <br />jCITY' COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 3--1.9-85 PAGE 2 <br />Kathleen Rauenhorst has practiced law since 1978 and has served as a <br />member of the City Council and the finance and Planning Commission of <br />the City of Arden Hills. She practiced with the State Public <br />Defender's Office and has extensive experience in cavil and criminal <br />litigation. It is expected. that, .Mrs. Rau.enhorst; would be the <br />principal backup attorney on civil matters for the City of Lake Elmo, <br />a :role she currently for the City of l`lewport. <br />The $600 retainer fee Is an arbitrary figure. If the services <br />provided by the firm do not amount to $600, the following months bill <br />will reflect, a credit. the services not included in the retainer will. <br />be charged at the rate of $60 per hour. There will be no additional <br />charge for mileage or transportation. <br />Mr. Kna.ak views the role of city attorney to provide advice and <br />service, and not to direct the City Council. Although Mr. Knna.ak's <br />experience with water problems is very limited, Mrs. Rauenhorst; has <br />been Involved with the Watersheds in Arden. Hills and is aware of the <br />problems involved with surface water. <br />C. Philip Moosbrugger of Moosbrugger & Murray <br />Mr. Moosbrugger stated his retainer would be $600 per year. This <br />would cover attendance at any six council meetings chosen by the City <br />during the year. The hourly fee for additional work in the civil area <br />would be $45 per hour. If his attendance at six meetings was not <br />needed, he would be willing to make a pro rata rebate. There would be <br />no additional charge for mileage, unless the City's work took him out - <br />of the area.. <br />Mr. Moosbrugger stated that; Lake Elmo would be his first municipal <br />client, but: feels this to be an asset as he could devote his energy <br />and ability to this representation. He would have the primary <br />responsibility in representing the City, with the other members of the <br />firm available fof consu.ltat:ion on any matters where their experience <br />and knowledge would benefit the City of Lake Elmo. The firm is not; <br />aware of any property, .fi.nancial investments or other potential <br />sources of a conflict of interest involved with its representaioh of <br />the City of Lake Elmo. <br />Mr. Moosbrugger does not feel there is a potential for a conflict of' <br />interest with his father, Gordon Moosbrugger, serving on the Hoard of <br />Directors of VBWD, as he merely sits on the Hoard and does not <br />represent them in a legal. capacity. <br />Regarding his bid being lower than others submitted, Mr. Moosbrugger <br />assured the Council that he would not be charging twice as much as the <br />others because of his lack of.experlence. His research into areas <br />that he is not .familiar with will not be charged to the City. <br />D. David Magnuson. <br />Mr.. Magnuson stated his retainer of $6000.per year is to provide legal <br />services to the City Council, Mayor, Planning Commission, Building <br />Inspector, any City, Committee or Commission the City Clerk, City <br />Treasurer and any other department of the City including attendance at <br />meetings as required. Not included in the retainer are Trials, <br />
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