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'C"Y.'PY'COUNCIL?MINUTES FOR 3-19-85 PAGE 3 <br />Extraordinary Services, and Charge -backs which will be charged at the <br />rate of $75 per hour. There would be no additional charge for, <br />mileage, but photocopies would be charged for at the rate of fifteen <br />( cents per corky. <br />Mr. Magnuson pointed out, that the civil work would be handled <br />primarily by Mr. Magnuson with Ms. Dieperink assisting him as needed. <br />Mr. Magnuson's municipal experience includes lawyer :for the Township <br />of Baytown since 1973; City Attorney for Stillwater since 1978; and <br />City Attorney for Marine-on--St.Croix since 1979. <br />i.• �iF i.'H•�E iF•IE �EX•�'�#iE#####dF �F#•�3&�;•Ma!•�F dC##3F•k:k 7��•#•#3(•k•]£%#:f•X:i#�f'k�f�E�#3F#X•X$•3&dF#K�r�1F i6#� <br />sW <br />Mayor Morgan called the regular meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. In the <br />council chambers. Present: Armstrong, Christ (excused at 9:15 p.m.), <br />Dunn, Mazzara, City Administrator Klaers, City Engineer Bohrer. <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - To adopt the 3-19-85 City Council agenda as <br />amended: Table #5 - Interview with David Lang until 3-1 9-85 meeting; <br />Add 7A - City Attorney; 7B -- Retiring Planning Commission members; <br />and 7C •- Water problem update„ (Motion carried 5-0) <br />2. Minutes: March 5, 1985 <br />MAN Dunn/Armstrong - To approve the minutes of the 3-5-"85 City <br />Council meeting as amended. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />3. Claims <br />MAN Mazzara/Dunn - To approve claims 85910 t-hru 85957 as presented. <br />(Motion carried 5•-0) <br />4. Discussion with Office Space Committee <br />Morgan.stated what he is Looking for from this committee is an <br />innovative idea as to what- the Council should do. The Council will. <br />make the final decision, but will consider the recommendation and <br />suggestions of the committee. <br />The committee was reminded that it is an established City Council <br />Committee, and as such, they are required by State law to abide by the <br />open meeting laws. The committee should establish a set meeting date, <br />time and location; and should it deviate from this schedule, to notify <br />City IIal.l so that the press can be notified. <br />John Schiltz, Planning Commission member (also an applicant for the <br />Office Space Committee) asked what constitutes the conflict of <br />interest that prevented any of the Planning Commission members that <br />applied for a seat on this committee from being, appointed. <br />Morgan stated that the Council dial not eliminate Planning Commission <br />members because of a conflict of interest. The Council was looking <br />for new people with new ideas who at the present time were not <br />involved with city government. <br />'fl <br />