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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3-5-85 PAGE 3 <br />Mazzara feels that Marshall should also be interviewed and allowed to <br />explain some of the things that would be considered a conflict of <br />interest. <br />The Council interviewed Gregory Tavernier of Castwell & Tavernier for <br />the criminal/prosecutions for the City. <br />In response to the question on how prosecutions would be handled, Mr. <br />Tavernier stated that one city he represents (Oakdale) has the policy <br />that the defendant either "plead to" or "go to trail". This is not <br />the case with other cities he represents, with this decision being <br />made by the City Council interacting with the law enforcement agency <br />involved. There are times when it is actually in the best interest of <br />the city not to try a case. In particular, financial considerations <br />such as paying officers testimony, etc., would be considered when the <br />chances of obtaining a guilty verdict are marginal, at best. <br />In response to a question as to why his bid was lower than the others <br />received, Mr. Tavernier stated the only reason he could bid as low as <br />he did is because he is at the Courthouse so much (about three days a <br />week). Because of this, he is able to account for his travel time and <br />other time out of the office. Also, part of the research he did <br />concerning the Lake Elmo's workload indicated that the City does not <br />take a position on plea bargining, and he submitted his bid on the <br />condition that these same considerations would be continued. If the <br />City Council would take a stand where all DWI's would be tried, he <br />would be caught in a bind, and would be forced to increase his fee in <br />the future. Also, he would be able to contact the Clerk of Court in <br />Washington County and request that Lake Elmo and Oakdale cases be <br />scheduled for the same day, eliminating the need for a second trip to <br />the Courthouse. <br />Mr. Tavernier stated his experience includes over six years of <br />prosecution work for municipalities, and has been in criminal work for <br />almost ten years. He also did criminal defense work in Hennepin <br />County. <br />Dunn pointed out that the prosecuting attorney and the deputies set <br />the precedent on what is going to go to trail versus what is going to <br />be plea bargined. It was the consensus of the council to not change <br />this policy. <br />Mayor Morgan called the regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 <br />p.m. in the council chambers. Present: Armstrong, Christ, Dunn, <br />Mazzara, City Administrator Klaers, City Engineer Bohrer. <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To accept the March 5, 1985 agenda as amended: <br />Add 6A - City Attorney, 6B - Legislative Bulletin. (Motion carried <br />5-0) <br />