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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3-5-85 PAGE 2 <br />Dunn feels that some of the bidders should be eliminated as they did <br />not follow the format requested for this bid. He feels that Travenier <br />has presented the best bid, and has experience with criminal work. <br />Armstrong stated she knows Mr.Tavenier does all the prosecutions for <br />Oakdale, and he is very confident in court. <br />Morgan stated that Mr. Tavenier meets all of the requirements - he bid <br />the way that he was asked to, he is known in Washington County, he <br />lives nearby and works for a nearby City and he is cheaper than the <br />other bids. <br />Morgan stated that since the criminal work is of a routine nature, and <br />if Mr. Tavernier presents a favorable interview, it would not be <br />necessary to interview any other applicants for the <br />criminal/prosceutions for the City. <br />Mazzara stated that since this was put out on bid, we should at least <br />give the applicants the courtesy of an interview, and feels that the <br />applicants' qualifications and references should be checked out. <br />Regarding the bids for the civil work for the City, Armstrong stated <br />there is a good cross section of applicants and suggested interviewing <br />all of the applicants, except Ray Marshall, as it has already been <br />indicated that the Council feels there is a potential conflict of <br />interest with his firm representing the City in civil matters. <br />Dunn suggested interviewing some of the applicants, not necessarily <br />all of them. He questions the retainers as some of the things covered <br />under the retainer are not needed by the City. Moosbrugger has low <br />bid at $45 per hour, but the $600 per year retainer could perhaps be <br />negotiated. <br />Morgan stated the Council has to be careful to not alter the financial <br />intention of the bid. We have to make the decision based on what was <br />bid. <br />Mazzara stated he had no problem with interviewing all of the <br />applicants. He further questioned the qualifications of the low <br />bidder for the civil work, Moosbrugger & Murray. Phillip Moosbrugger <br />would be representing the City, and it does not appear that he has had <br />very much experience as far as civil work is concerned. Gordon <br />Moosbrugger has civil experience, but has not worked in any kind of <br />city work since 1980. All of the other applicants appear to be <br />currently involved in civil type work. <br />Dunn stated a lot of the civil work is routine matters. If we get <br />into "heavy stuff", we may want to refer it to another firm. But on <br />the little things, we may be better off taking someone - even with a <br />lack of experience - to handle the routine matters. <br />Consensus of the Council is to interview David Magnuson, Phillip <br />Moosbrugger, Frederick and George Borer on Tuesday, March 19th <br />beginning at 5:30 p.m. <br />Armstrong, Dunn, Christ and Morgan agreed that it is not necessary to <br />interview Ray Marshall for the civil work as this is where they feel <br />there is a conflict of interest. <br />